Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1201 - 1225 of 1695

Research in the Hirsch Group is focused among other things on fullerene based architectures and materials, chemical functionalization of new carbon-allotropes, and supramolecular aggregates based on dendritic systems.
Dieses neue Studienangebot ergänzt die bisherigen Möglichkeiten für Studierende im Bereich Naturwissenschaft und Technik um ein wichtiges Feld. Nanoscience & Technology ist ein Studiengang der zwischen den Naturwissenschaften und den Ingenieurwissenschaften angesiedelt ist, d.h. es ist eine gute Grundausbildung in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern notwendig, um neue technologische Anwendungen erschliessen zu können.
Dieses neue Studienangebot ergänzt die bisherigen Möglichkeiten für Studierende im Bereich Naturwissenschaft und Technik um ein wichtiges Feld. Nanoscience & Technology ist ein Studiengang der zwischen den Naturwissenschaften und den Ingenieurwissenschaften angesiedelt ist, d.h. es ist eine gute Grundausbildung in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern notwendig, um neue technologische Anwendungen erschliessen zu können.
Das Studium dauert sechs Semester und setzt sich aus Vorlesungen, Übungen, Praktika und Seminaren zusammen. Es umfasst Module in den Fächern Chemie, Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, Informatik, Mathematik und Physik.
The central nanoscience and nantechnology research facility at the university.
Research is on fundamental topics in micro- and nanometer-scale science and technology with a strong emphasis towards new materials and applications. It can be divided into three main fields: The investigation of hybrid (superconductor, ferromagnet, semiconductor) quantum structures by transport and magnetization measurements, optical analysis of correlated materials and biomaterials by Raman spectroscopy and ellipsometry as well as the investigation of quantum Hall droplets.
Recent work has focused on Linear and nonlinear optical nanoscopy; Photoemission and nonlinear optical spectroscopy of metallic quantum wells; Quantum mechanical and statistical modelling of organic and inorganic nanomaterials; Advanced spectroscopic and STM studies of surface structures and reactions.
During the first three years, students receive basic interdisciplinary training in physics, chemistry, biology, molecular biology, mathematics, and computer science. Many of the courses are followed along with students from these core disciplines. In addition, a number of courses address issues specific to the nano-area.
In addition to the undergraduate programs, iNANO hosts a Doctorate school in nanoscience, iNANOschool. Here, students can be admitted with a Master's degree in a traditional (5+3) year model, but at this Faculty, studies are more often carried out following a (4+4) year model where the students are admitted after four years of study and the Master's project becomes an integrated part of the Doctorate which then lasts four years. A special (3+5) year honors program has recently been introduced where very talented students can be admitted to graduate school with a Bachelor's degree.
The members of iNANO and their respective research groups have complementary research programs in the analysis and synthesis of nanomaterials. The framework of iNANO, however, fosters and strengthens interdisciplinary activities, promotes the development of new non-traditional programs, and provides unique facilities for competitive research.
During their Master's degree students are required to specialize in one of three different disciplines: nanophysics, nanochemistry or nanomolecular biology.
Research interests include various aspects of micro- and nanomechanics, including solid mechanics (stability theory, wave propagation), mechanical engineering (structural mechanics) and material sciences (composite and nano-materials).
IPAS has been created to bring together experimental physicists, chemists, material scientists, biologists, experimentally driven theoretical scientists and medical researchers to create new sensing and measurement technologies.
The group's primary interest is the mathematical modelling of fundamental physical properties exhibited by nanoparticles and nanoparticle composite materials. In particular, they are interested in the thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical and mechanical characteristics of nanoparticles and their composites.
UAB envisions the creation of a world-class interdisciplinary research and student training center focusing on the synthesis and characterization of nanoscale materials and structures with applicability and integration into the biomedical arena that will position the Center to be at the forefront of nanotechnologies and biomaterials for human health.
This first-of-its-kind dual degree program provides pioneering education and training in both medicine and nanoscale science research, preparing a new generation of professionals for exciting 21st century careers as world-class research physicians in the emerging science and practice of nanomedicine.
CNSE's Nanoscale Engineering program provides corresponding skill and expertise in the design, fabrication, and integration of nanoscale devices, structures, and systems for the development and deployment of emerging nanotechnologies.
CNSE's Nanoscale Engineering program provides corresponding skill and expertise in the design, fabrication, and integration of nanoscale devices, structures, and systems for the development and deployment of emerging nanotechnologies.
CNSE's Nanoscale Science program provides the critical theoretical and experimental skill base and know-how for knowledge creation in the areas of nanoscale materials, structures, and architectures.
CNSE's Nanoscale Science program provides the critical theoretical and experimental skill base and know-how for knowledge creation in the areas of nanoscale materials, structures, and architectures.
This options provides an introduction to the processes involved in the fabrication of nanoscale integrated circuits and to the computer aided design (CAD) tools necessary for the engineering of large scale system on a chip. By selecting this option, students will learn about fault tolerance in nanoscale systems and gain an understanding of quantum phenomena in systems design.
This option provides an introduction to the principles of electronics, electromagnetics and photonics as they apply at the nanoscale level. By selecting this option, students will learn about the process involved in the fabrication of nanoscale structures and become familiar with the computer aided design (CAD) tools necessary for analyzing phenomena at these very high levels of miniaturization.
The Nanoengineering Option provides broad skills suitable for entry to the nanotechnology professions, combining core Electrical Engineering and Physics courses with additional instruction in biochemistry and chemistry, and specialized instruction in nanoelectronics, nanobioengineering, and nanofabrication.
Students entering this option will be exposed to the exciting and emerging field of nano and functional materials. Subject areas covered include electronic, optical and magnetic materials, nanomaterials and their applications, nanostructured molecular sieves, nano and functional materials processing and fabrication. Employment opportunities exist in several sectors of Canadian industry, such as microelectronic/optoelectronic device fabrication, MEMS processing and fuel cell development.
The Buriak group at the University of Alberta