Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1 - 25 of 32 for research and community organizations starting with H:

The Hannover School for Nanotechnology, is the coordinated PhD-programme of the Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering from Leibniz Universit�t Hannover together with Hochschule Hannover.
Developing nanopores as probes.
The Center for Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology at the Harvard School of Public Health draws on decades of experience with environmental pollutants and the health effects of particles to address the unique environmental health and safety (EHS) concerns raised by engineered nanomaterials (ENM) and nanotechnology applications.
The Lieber Research Group at Harvard focuses on the bottom-up paradigm for nanoscience and nanotechnology.
The Mazur group at Harvard University studies the dynamics of molecules, chemical reactions, and condensed matter on very short timescales - down to femtoseconds.
KIBST seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the functioning of life and biology at the nanoscale level.
The Westervelt Group has three areas of focus: 1) Imaging the coherent flow of electrons inside semiconductor nanostructures at low temperatures using scanning probe microscopy; 2) Studies of tunnel-coupled quantum dots and the fabrication of artificial molecules composed of few-electron quantum dots to implement qubits for quantum information processing; 3) Development of micro-electromagnets to trap, move, and assemble particles.
The Zhuang research lab works on the forefront of single-molecule biology and bioimaging, developing and applying advanced optical imaging techniques to study the behavior of individual biological molecules and complexes in vitro and in live cells.
The main focus of the new HSPH-NIEHS Center is to bring together scientists from across disciplines- material science, chemistry, exposure assessment, risk assessment, nanotoxicology and nanobiology- to assess the potential environmental Health and safety (EHS) implications of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs).
The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology prides itself with its first-class faculty members, high level research and publications, state-of-the-art infrastructure, collaborations with international academia and industry, and efficient commercialization which have positioned the Center as a premier facility worldwide. The Center's Units for NanoCharacterizaton and NanoFabrication provide hi-tech nanotechnological services and facilities to researchers from across the University's faculties as well as other universities and the industry.
The Nano Science research group at Hebrew University focusses on chemistry, physics and applications of semiconductor clusters, nanocrystals and nanorods.
The center is devoted to fundamental questions concerning the dynamics of quantum systems at the borderline between few-body and many-body physics.
PVcomB's main goal is to support world wide growth of thin-film photovoltaic technologies and -products by providing top level technology transfer.
The research of the group is focused on energy and sustainability. The research encompasses design, synthesis, functionalization, and self-assembly of nanoscale materials for applications in plasmonics, photonics, electronics, sensing, separation, and medicine. Using wet chemistry, electrospinning, physical deposition and their combinations, they aim to create nanomaterials and nanocomposites (e.g. metal, metal oxide, polymer, etc.) with diverse multifunctional properties for new technological applications.
The NanoMaterials Group is among the top aerosol technology laboratories in the world and offers a unique environment for strong interdisciplinary research and a proven track record of productive cooperation. The main research areas of the group are synthesis and mechanistic studies of formation of carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles, pharmaceutical materials, electron microscopy, and computational fluid dynamics modelling.
Nano-optics and work on self organization
The objectives of the HelsinkiNano initiative are to spur the Helsinki region into a central position in nanoscience and technology, promote the use of nanotechnology in commercial applications, and strengthen cooperation networks within the field.
This programme is attractive to students with an interdisciplinary interest in chemistry, physics and mathematics, and their engineering applications. Chemists have always been nanotechnologists because molecules are about one thousandth-millionth of a metre in size. The programme combines core Chemistry with Nanochemistry, Nanophysics and Microengineering. Nanotechnology finds application (and will expand into new applications) in areas as diverse as Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicine, Microelectronics, Communications and Aerospace.
This 4-year course is based on physics but includes content from chemistry and biology to give an important appreciation of how all the sciences have new effects to be observed and new applications to be discovered.
This 4/5-year course is based on physics but includes content from chemistry and biology to give an important appreciation of how all the sciences have new effects to be observed and new applications to be discovered.
(German language site) An initiative to support nanotechnology activities from the Ministry of Economy of the German state Hesse.
The RCNS consists of four research divisions: Nanodevice; Nanoprocess; Molecular Assembly and Materials Synthesis ; and System Design and Architecture.
Hokkaido Innovation through NanoTechnology Support (HINTS) is a nanotechnology support project centered at Hokkaido University (Research Institute for Electronic Science, Catalysis Research Center, Center for Advanced Research of Energy Conversion Materials, and Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics) with close cooperation of Chitose Institute of Science and Technology.
Holst Centre is an independent centre for open innovation, which develops generic technologies and technology platforms for wireless autonomous transducer solutions and systems-in-foil.
In partnership with local industries, NAMI will conduct market-driven, demand-led development of nanotechnology and advanced materials.