Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1251 - 1275 of 1695

Research includes: Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy; Superconducting Whiskers; Hot Electron Transistors and Crossing Vortex Lattices.
Der Einfach-Bachelor-Studiengang mit dem Profil Nanowissenschaften besteht aus dem Kernfach Physik und dem Nebenfach Physik, beide mit dem Profil Nanowissenschaften.
Single Molecule BioPhysics and Systems NanoBiology
Der Konzentration der Forschung im Bereich Nanowissenschaften wurde in der Lehre bereits in der Bachelorphase Rechnung getragen. Das Lehrangebot soll durch ein vertiefendes Angebot in einem eigenständigen Masterstudiengang Nanowissenschaften forschungsorientiert, jedoch mit starkem Anwendungsbezug, ergänzt werden.
Research in the department deals with nanomembranes, chemical nanolithography, nanowires, surface studies, single polymer molecules and atoms and clusters.
The main goals of the group's work are the basic understanding of magnetism and spin dependent electronic transport in thin films and nanostructures, the development of optimized magneto- and spin electronic devices and new methods for the creation of magnetic nanopatterns.
The group is focused on a number of areas: nanostructuring surfaces via the integration of top-down and bottom-up methodologies, gene delivery based on polycations, nanotribology, liquid crystals and nanoscale electronics
This emerging area of research addresses the potentially harmful effects these materials may have on the environment.
This postgraduate programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of nanoscience and its potential environmental and human health related risk. The MRes focuses on the fundamental and underpinning science but also discusses applications, synthesis and policy and regulatory responses.
The research targets of the Laboratory are reflected in three major research programs: Physics and applications of size-selected nanoparticles (clusters); Atomic-scale modification of surfaces with electrons and femtosecond laser light; Fabrication of nanoscale sensors and devices.
The Balzani group's research focuses on molecular engineering and molecular motors.
Micromoulding has emerged as a technique for micro-device and nano-scale surface feature manufacture, which offers all the benefits of conventional injection moulding such as high production capacity at low marginal cost.
Nanomedicine: Artificial Olfactive Systems in-vivo and specific sensors in-vitro for early diagnosis and prevention of severe diseases and for drug screening.
The BCFN is based in the new Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information at the University of Bristol, which is a flagship enterprise for inter- and multi-disciplinary research, with world-class facilities for Nanoscience research.
Nanophysics and Soft Matter is a large, dynamic research group, with over 45 academic staff, researchers and students. They have a diverse range of research interests, covering techniques from neutron diffraction to optical tweezers, and studying systems from novel glasses to living cells.
The interdisciplinary 1-year MSc programme will equip students with the skills, knowledge and expertise to become practitioners in Nanoscience, whether in industry or academia.
A a multi-disciplinary research center with nanoscience and nanotechnology research.
The group is engaged in many areas of microsystems and nanotechnology, with a particular focus on devices and systems, experimentation and fabrication. Applications of MiNa research span over many areas, including biomedical devices, nano-computing, nano-devices, communication, energy, sensors and actuators.
The research program of Prof. Hongbin Li's group is in the area of single molecule biophysical chemistry. They are interested in the mechanical properties and conformational dynamics of elastic proteins.
Starting Fall 2008/Winter 2009, students can enroll in the only process learning driven Nanoscience program in North America. Courses offered are a B.Sc. Minor in Nanoscience and a B.Sc. Concentration in Nanoscience.
Starting Fall 2008/Winter 2009, students can enroll in the only process learning driven Nanoscience program in North America. Courses offered are a B.Sc. Minor in Nanoscience and a B.Sc. Concentration in Nanoscience.
The University of Calgary nanoGroup is a student-led organization founded in 2013 with one central focus: to cultivate and support the nanotechnology community at the University of Calgary Campus.
The Center for Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology (CEIN) explores the impact of libraries of engineered nanomaterials on a range of cellular lifeforms, organisms and plants in terrestrial, fresh water and sea water environments. By being able to predict which nanomaterial physicochemical properties are potentially hazardous, the CEIN will be able to provide advice on the safe design of engineered nanomaterials from an environmental perspective.
The Micro-Nano Innovations (MiNI) Laboratory, led by Dr. Tingrui Pan, is an incubator for exploratory interdisciplinary research bridging nanoengineering and biomedicine. They endeavor to develop novel micro-nanoengineered platforms for contemporary biological applications, to deliver innovative engineered solutions to pressing medical problems, and to educate next-generation bioengineers for future healthcare.
NEAT focuses on applications in ceramic, chemical, electronic, environmental, and agricultural technology; environmental transport and transformation and resulting roles in environmental pollution and remediation; interactions with the biosphere, especially microorganisms; effects on health.