Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1151 - 1175 of 1695

Research in the group focuses around two intertwined goals. These are first, to create complex materials with nanoscale periodicity using self-organization, and second, to produce new physical properties because of that nanoscale architecture.
Vaults are components of cells that were first described in 1986. Because the particle is abundant in all cells of higher organisms and highly conserved throughout evolution, it is likely that the function of the vault is important to life. This website is designed for the educated non-scientist. It summarizes the present state of knowlege of this fascinating particle.
The Western Institute of Nanoelectronics (WIN), a National Institute of Excellence, has been organized to build on the best interdisciplinary talents in the field of nanoelectronics in the world. WIN's mission is to explore and develop advanced research devices, circuits and nanosystems with performance beyond conventional scaled CMOS.
A portfolio partnership between the Zheludev Group and the Baumberg Group at the University of Southampton.
NIBEC is a multi-disciplinary research centre which combines skills in engineering, science, informatics and medicine in order to enhance the development of devices and systems which have applications in health care.
The main purpose of our research center is to enhance the Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) and Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM) techniques for their use in a broad range of fields, from Materials Science to Archaeometry or Environmental Science, areas of scientific research on which IBA techniques have already proven their power.
The research developed in Martin's group is mainly focussed to Carbon Nanostructures (Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes) as materials for the preparation of Photo- and Electroactive Organic Molecular Systems.
The group's research focuses on quantum properties of ultra-small semiconductor and organic structures with the aim to investigate theoretically new, unusual and unexpected phenomena. In particular they are interested in structures that operate in the quantum regime where several exciting and still unresolved puzzles await their discovery.
Research activities in the field of Surface engineering for high temperature: Study of corrosion behaviour of protective coatings at high temperature. Within this field the national and international projects that focus in developing new protective coating for the power generation and aerospace industry as well as the study of corrosion behaviour in very aggressive environments.
The Interuniversitary Master in Nanosciencie and Molecular Nanotechnology does not have precedents nationally since he discusses the aspects placed in the intersection of one science at his peak as he is Nanosciencie with the more traditional molecular systems . It influences, therefore, scientific areas of present-day interest like Molecular Electronics , Molecular Magnetism , the Supramolecular Chemistry , Physics at Superficies, or the Molecular Materials Science.
A research group in nanochemistry and organic synthesis in the Department of Organic Chemistry.
The group is focused on the development of advanced drug delivery therapies based on polymeric micro and/or nanoparticles, and the development of novel biomaterials for nanotherapeutics.
UNAM has several groups that develop research projects in the areas of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. These research groups have organized themselves to form REGINA.
The research group of professor Cecilia Noguez deals with the optical properties of nanostructures.
Research, development and innovation in the fields of nanoengineering, nanotechnology and nanoscience.
The Microsystems and Nanotechnology group deals with Opto- and Electro-mechanical systems, MEMS and MOEMS. Optical detection modulation with piezoelectric devices; Physical, chemical and biological sensors (optical, piezoelectric, electrochemical). Polymer deposition; Nanoparticles, nanostructures and nanodevices; Atomic Force Microscope and Electron Beam Lithography.
The 10-semester Nanotechnology Engineering program addresses the use, acquisition, development, implementation, evaluation, control, or suggestion of the use, application, development or acquisition of materials or components that work at the nanoscale.
The nanotechnology engineering undergraduate program at UPB Medellín.
University of Madeira andCentro de Quimica da Madeira, Madeira Island, Portugal, invite applicants with a Bachelor or a Master degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Life Sciences, Materials, Physics or related sciences/engineering courses to apply to our new two years Master Programme in Nanochemistry and Nanomaterials.
The University of Aveiro, particularly acknowledged for its research concerning the synthesis, properties and applications of nanomaterials, offers a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology. In its first stage, students are introduced to contemporary topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology, comprising several courses in the field and thus initiating a cross-disciplinary approach to research and learning. Different research units at the University contribute actively to this stage. Students admitted to the second stage of the doctoral program follow to N&N activities leading to the elaboration of a doctorate thesis. The courses are taught in English.
(Portugese language site) The group does research with nanomaterials and thinfilms.
This is a strongly multidisciplinary course open to students with different background (physics, chemistry biology, engineering, etc.). Students will learn about fundamental phenomena that are relevant at the nanoscale, approaches to the fabrication and the analysis of nanostructures, as well as advanced nanotechnology applications.
The School focuses on development and application of advanced experimental and theoretical/computational methods for the study of matter and systems at the micro and nano-scale. The program has a strongly interdisciplinary character: it ranges from physics to chemistry, biology and engineering.
The institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (IMCN) conducts multidisciplinary research at the intersection fields of materials (starting from the atomic and molecular levels), electronics and biology. The institute studies new chemistry and physics, exploiting novel principles in nanostructured devices with new functionalities. The research deals with the synthesis, design, handling, modelling and implementation of (bio)molecules, (bio)surfaces and solid materials. The functions, properties or reactivity of these novel (nano)structures are investigated and characterized by advanced techniques, or predicted by numerical simulations.
Research areas include nanomaterials and nanosensors.