Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 1176 - 1200 of 1695

A Master degree program in nanotechnologies and nanobiosciences.
The research activities of the group are concerned with the development of probes and technologies to interface single small functional molecules for AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy.
The Master of Nanoscale Engineering offers you the opportunity to explore this challenging field in a stimulating scientific and cultural environment. The program is dedicated to a multidisciplinary and international approach and it is suited equally well for students planning an academic or an industrial career. The two-year curriculum provides both the theoretical basis and the practical expertise in all fields related to the fabrication, the characterization and the design of nanoscale structures and systems.
La spécialité 'Optique et NanoTechnologies' s'appuie principalement sur une des équipes de recherche de l'ICD, le laboratoire de Nanotechnologies et d'Instrumentation Optique. La formation se situe essentiellement dans le domaine des microscopies et spectroscopies optiques à sonde locale et une familiarisation aux autres microscopies. Les principaux thèmes de recherche abordés sont tourn�s vers les nanosciences.
La spécialité Optique et Nanotechnologies (ONT) de la Master Sciences, Technologies et Santé propose une formation principalement dans le domaine des microscopies et spectroscopies optiques à sonde locale et une familiarisation aux autres microscopies (AFM, STM).
The Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics (LNIO) is tasked with the development of nano-optics, which addresses a number of technological, scientific and socio-economic challenges. Researchers at LNIO are working on new concepts and approaches, developing both innovative instrumentation and nanocharacterization and nanomanufacturing methods.
This interdisciplinary master programme in physics, chemistry and biology, equips students with in-depths knowledge in their field of study while they are being immersed in an exceptional research environment: the international scientific community of Grenoble which includes the UJF laboratories, the Grenoble INP, the CEA Grenoble, the CNRS and major research centers such as the synchrotron (ESRF) and the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).
The Micro & Nanotechnology specialty trains professionals and researchers with a good knowledge of industrial applications of microsystems and nanosciences: characterization, manufacturing & integration.
The main promising applications are forecast in the fields of optical interconnects in CMOS integrated circuits and optical communications, where silicon can provide low cost solutions. Strong potential also exists in the development of silicon nanostructures for biophotonics. Studies in this field have been performed for many years in this group (MINAPHOT). They mainly work on the design, the fabrication of test devices in our cleanroom and the characterization.
Full-time MSc study entails a 12-month programme, split between Leeds and Sheffield campuses. In order to complete the full MSc programme, you must complete the eight lecture modules and a major project.
Full-time MSc study entails a 12-month programme, split between Leeds and Sheffield campuses. In order to complete the full MSc programme, you must complete the eight lecture modules and a major project.
The SMALLab deals with Small Tech, such as BioMEMS, microfluidics, and nanobiotechnology to build various nanobiosensors and microactuators.
The REN group works on the forefront of material science and nanotechnology, including materials-by-design, synthesis and self-assembly of emerging multifunctional materials with an emphasis on novel magnetic, electronic and excitonic properties for energy-critical applications. They are committed to realizing our vision by focusing on three main thrusts: (1) Self-assembly of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for unusual magnetic and electronic properties; (2) Two-dimensional organic materials for energy transduction; (3) Rare-earth-free high energy density nanomagnets.
The Centre for BioNano Interactions (CBNI) is a multi-disciplinary platform for Nanotoxicology and NanoMedicine. CBNI is Ireland's National Platform for BioNanoInteraction science, and draws together specialists from its Universities, Institutes and companies. They are one of the world's leading Centres of knowledge for bionanointeractions applied to the fields of nanosafety, nanobiology and nanomedicine, and we are pioneering many of the new techniques and approaches in the arena.
Current MSc projects include molecular modelling, molecular motors, imaging and analysis, atomic force microscopy, light scattering in tissues, and organic solar cells. Future career options include biomedical technologies, pharmaceutical industry and drug development, sustainable energy, academic and industrial research, and students are taught innovation as part of the programme.
The CDT provides a 4-year programme. The students will take a broadly based training year before undertaking a PhD research project in one of the centre's research groups.
UCL currently hosts a wide spectrum of world-class activities in materials research, ranging from exploration of the thermodynamics of exotic metals to the force microscopy of biological tissues.
The programme provides a solid grounding in Electronic Engineering along with specialisation in Nanotechnology. It makes use of UCL's pivotal position as hosts of the London Centre for Nanotechnology, to provide access to state-of-the art laboratory facilities and teaching from experts in the field.
The programme introduces students to and provides training in the skills essential for almost all fields of nanotechnology research, including key laboratory skills and techniques in planning, building devices, analysis, and results comparison. The core lecture programme covers essential topics in physics, electrical and electronic engineering, and biology.
Delivered by a group of world-leading research scientists, lecturers and experts in technology transfer, the MSc in Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine has a clinical focus, ensuring it addresses real medical needs. Students have the opportunity to learn about new technologies that are transforming modern medicine: nanomedicine; tissue engineering; stem cell technologies. They will also develop research skills by joining interdisciplinary world leading teams. An in-depth laboratory-based research project is an integral component of the programme (50%). Project topics include: nanoparticle targeted drug delivery, imaging and therapy; trachea, nose, ear, cardiovascular, skin and bone tissue engineering; functionalised scaffolds for directing stem cell differentiation.
The Nanomedicine Lab's mission is to generate and disseminate fundamental knowledge in the emerging field of nanomedicine by bringing together bioengineering, pharmacology and nanotechnology and their translation to advanced, clinically-relevant therapeutics and diagnostics.
Zunächst werden im Bachelor-Studiengang 'NanoEngineering' die grundlegenden Methoden der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften erarbeitet. Die ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen setzen sich aus Modulen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus mit den Schwerpunkten Mechanik und Thermodynamik, Elektrotechnik, Materialwissenschaften und Informatik zusammen. Parallel hierzu werden Grundlagen der Nanotechnologie aufgebaut.
CeNIDE is based on the strongly interdisciplinary research excellence in the area of Nanotechnology at the University Duisburg-Essen. This includes an exceptionally broad knowledge base in fundamental nanoscience, unique fabrication facilities for nanoscale materials in large quantities, and experience in questions of scalability and reliability.
Der Master-Studiengang besteht aus zwei Vertiefungsrichtungen, Nanoprozesstechnologie und Nano(opto)elektronik. Beiden Richtungen sind einige Veranstaltungen gemeinsam, in denen vor allem erweiterte Grundlagen erarbeitet werden.
The research group of Professor Markus Winterer.