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It's go time for LUX-Zeplin dark matter experiment

From the physics labs at Yale University to the bottom of a played-out gold mine in South Dakota, a new generation of dark matter experiments is ready to commence. The US Department of Energy's Office of Science and the National Science Foundation recently gave the go-ahead to Large Underground Xenon-Zeplin, a key experiment in the hunt for dark matter, the invisible substance that may make up much of the universe.

Jul 18th, 2014

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Crowd-source snaps of falling space debris

Australian researchers who are designing robotic rovers capable of searching for fallen space debris are asking people to share images or videos that they may have captured during last Thursday evening 's skyfall.

Jul 18th, 2014

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The twofold comet

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, destination of ESA's Rosetta mission, seems to consist of two parts.

Jul 17th, 2014

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Asteroid Vesta to reshape theories of planet formation

Researchers have a better understanding of the asteroid Vesta and its internal structure, thanks to numerical simulations and data from the space mission Dawn. Their findings questions contemporary models of rocky planet formation, including that of Earth.

Jul 16th, 2014

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Comet ISON's final hours

Before comet ISON raced past the Sun, it stopped producing dust and gas, as data from the SUMER spectrograph on SOHO show.

Jul 16th, 2014

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Van Allen Probes show how to accelerate electrons

One of the great, unanswered questions for space weather scientists is just what creates two gigantic donuts of radiation surrounding Earth, called the Van Allen radiation belts. Recent data from the Van Allen Probes - two nearly identical spacecraft that launched in 2012 - address this question.

Jul 15th, 2014

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NASA seeks proposals for Europa mission science instruments

NASA has issued an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for proposals about science instruments that could be carried aboard a future mission to Jupiter's moon Europa. Selected instruments could address fundamental questions about the icy moon and the search for life beyond Earth.

Jul 15th, 2014

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Out of an hours-long explosion, a stand-in for the first stars

Astronomers analyzing a long-lasting blast of high-energy light observed in 2013 report finding features strikingly similar to those expected from an explosion from the universe's earliest stars. If this interpretation is correct, the outburst validates ideas about a recently identified class of gamma-ray burst and serves as a stand-in for what future observatories may see as the last acts of the first stars.

Jul 11th, 2014

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Venus Express rises again (w/video)

After a month surfing in and out of the atmosphere of Venus down to just 130 km from the planet's surface, ESA's Venus Express is about to embark on a 15 day climb up to the lofty heights of 460 km.

Jul 11th, 2014

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