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Carnegie Mellon reveals details of human-scale CHIMP robot

A team from Carnegie Mellon University's National Robotics Engineering Center is building a new class of robot to compete in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Robotics Challenge - a human-size robot that moves, not by walking, but on rubberized tracks on the extremities of each of its four limbs.

Mar 13th, 2013

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Cloud-computing platform for robots launched (w/video)

Researchers of five European universities have developed a cloud-computing platform for robots. The platform allows robots connected to the Internet to directly access the powerful computational, storage, and communications infrastructure of modern data centers for robotics tasks and robot learning.

Mar 11th, 2013

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Mind-controlled exoskeleton to help disabled people walk again

Every year thousands of people in Europe are paralysed by a spinal cord injury. Many are young adults, facing the rest of their lives confined to a wheelchair. Although no medical cure currently exists, in the future they could be able to walk again thanks to a mind-controlled robotic exoskeleton being developed by EU-funded researchers.

Mar 7th, 2013

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Robotic fish navigate flowscapes

The EU funded European research project FILOSE has developed robots with a new sense - lateral line sensing. All fish have this sensing organ but so far it had no technological counterpart on man-made underwater vehicles.

Mar 6th, 2013

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Lessons from cockroaches could inform robotics

Running cockroaches start to recover from being shoved sideways before their dawdling nervous system kicks in to tell their legs what to do, researchers have found. These new insights on how biological systems stabilize could one day help engineers design steadier robots and improve doctors' understanding of human gait abnormalities.

Feb 22nd, 2013

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With robots, humans face 'new society' (w/video)

Humanity came one step closer in January to being able to replicate itself, thanks to the EU's approval of funding for the Human Brain Project. Danica Kragic, a robotics researcher and computer science professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, says that while the prospect of living among humanoid robots calls to mind terrifying scenarios from science fiction, the reality of how humans cope with advances in robotics will be more complex, and subtle.

Feb 22nd, 2013

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Meet "ro-bat", the robotic bat wing (w/video)

The strong, flapping flight of bats offers great possibilities for the design of small aircraft, among other applications. By building a robotic bat wing, Brown researchers have uncovered flight secrets of real bats: the function of ligaments, the elasticity of skin, the structural support of musculature, skeletal flexibility, upstroke, downstroke.

Feb 21st, 2013

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