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The Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (JUVS) is a new quarterly, electronic-only publication

This new title aims to provide an accessible, consolidated forum where an accumulation of peer-reviewed scientific knowledge on the design, development, testing, and applications of unmanned vehicle systems (UVS) in the air, on and under the water, and on land is published and disseminated. The journal is broadly themed into four main areas: civil, environmental, military, and engineering technology; contributions are invited from recognized researchers and practitioners in academia, government and industry from all over the world.

Mar 28th, 2013

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The robot is complete - arms and hands for TORO, the walking machine

TOrque controlled humanoid RObot (TORO), the German Aerospace Center's walking machine, has become more human-like - an upper body, a head with camera eyes and arms have been added. TORO is now complete, with forearms and hands with sensors and flexible joints that allow it to respond to its environment with exceptional sensitivity.

Mar 26th, 2013

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Robots assist human shipping cargo inspectors

To help save time and money, and improve the accuracy and quality of cargo inspections, an EU-funded research project has developed a fleet of remote-controlled robots that crawl through cargo ships in search of cracks, corrosion and other defects.

Mar 26th, 2013

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Robots avoiding sand traps

Robots have helped humans navigate outer space, land on the moon and explore Mars - but they can still get stuck in the sand. Carnegie Mellon University's internationally renowned roboticist, William Whittaker, is leading a new NASA-funded study to keep them moving forward.

Mar 21st, 2013

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Robot-delivered speech and physical therapy a success

In one of the earliest experiments using a humanoid robot to deliver speech and physical therapy to a stroke patient, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst saw notable speech and physical therapy gains and significant improvement in quality of life.

Mar 21st, 2013

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Robot meets world

A new way of reasoning about what happens when a robot's limb strikes an object could lead to more efficient and reliable robotic-control systems.

Mar 21st, 2013

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Robotic hand could revolutionize the world of intelligent prosthetics

An artificial hand capable of performing almost all of the different types of grips on everyday objects with a single motor and, due to the simplicity of its structure, robustness and low cost, is destined to revolutionize not only the world of prosthetic and robotic hands but advance other technologies as well.

Mar 19th, 2013

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Bristlebots show swarm behavior (w/video)

Bristlebots are robots without sensors or brains that do things that robots without sensors or brains do. As it turns out, this is a lot more than you might expect, since researchers at Harvard have shown that if you stick enough of them in a small space, they self-organize into swarms.

Mar 15th, 2013

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