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Helpful for robotics: brain uses old information for new movements

Information from the senses has an important influence on how we move. For instance, you can see and feel when a mug is filled with hot coffee, and you lift it in a different way than if the mug were empty. Neuroscientist Julian Tramper discovered that the brain uses two forms of old information in order to execute new movements well.

Apr 18th, 2013

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Frog-like robot will help surgeons

Researchers at the University of Leeds are using the feet of tree frogs as a model for a tiny robot designed to crawl inside patients' bodies during keyhole surgery.

Apr 18th, 2013

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Robots to rescue coral reefs

Researchers at Heriot-Watt are developing a swarm of intelligent robots to help save coral reefs. A team of 'coralbots', each individually working to simple rules, will piece together damaged bits of coral, allowing them to regrow.

Apr 16th, 2013

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The IEEE Robots App is FREE during National Robotics Week

Launched late last year, the Robots app is the best, most complete guide to the amazing world of robotics. It features 126 real-world robots from 19 countries, with hundreds of photos, videos, technical specs, articles, and exclusive interactives that let you spin and move robots with your fingertips.

Apr 9th, 2013

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FDA investigating safety of widely-used surgical robot

The biggest thing in operating rooms these days is a million-dollar, multi-armed robot named da Vinci, used in nearly 400,000 surgeries nationwide last year - triple the number just four years earlier. But now the high-tech helper is under scrutiny over reports of problems, including several deaths that may be linked with it, and the high cost of using the robotic system.

Apr 9th, 2013

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BionicOpter - Inspired by dragonfly flight (w/video)

With the BionicOpter, Festo has technically mastered the highly complex flight characteristics of the dragonfly. Just like its model in nature, this ultralight flying object can fly in all directions, hover in mid-air and glide without beating its wings.

Apr 4th, 2013

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Bluefin Robotics completes deep testing of DARPA Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

The system was developed under a Phase II subcontract from Applied Physical Sciences Corp. for the Deep Sea Operations (DSOP) Program. DSOP is part of DARPA's Distributed Agile Submarine Hunting program (DASH), which aims to develop affordable distributed technology to address Anti-Submarine Warfare surveillance needs over large, operationally relevant areas.

Apr 4th, 2013

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New TopCoder competition seeks to bring sight capability to ISS robot Robonaut 2

TopCoder, Inc., the world's largest open innovation platform and competitive community of 470,000 digital creators, announced two new marathon competitions hosted through the NASA Tournament Lab that will look to continue delivery of output-based high value returns in the most cost-effective and measurable software development process currently available to government agencies.

Apr 3rd, 2013

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