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Noodle-slicing kitchen robots

In the face of rising labor costs, Chinese restaurateur Cui Runguan is selling thousands of robots that can hand slice noodles into a pot of boiling water called the Chef Cui.

Aug 20th, 2012

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Robot Hall of Fame invites public to vote online for its next induction class

For the first time members of the general public will help select four robots for induction into the Robot Hall of Fame from a slate of a dozen nominees. The new robots will be inducted in a ceremony Oct. 23, when they will take their place alongside such notables as NASA's Mars Sojourner, Honda's ASIMO and Star Wars' R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Aug 20th, 2012

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A ghost town built for robots

City Lab is an above ground, unpopulated, fully operating, and real-world lab environment representative of a mid-sized American city. It will provide a legacy environment where new technologies can be tested at scale, allowing researchers and manufacturers to manage the unpredictability of product performance before being introduced into the market.

Aug 17th, 2012

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Pilot your own, 4-meter tall robot

Designed by Japanese artist Kogoro Kurata, the 4-meter-tall Kuratas robot can be piloted or controlled remotely to perform the motions and tasks of its owner's choosing.

Aug 17th, 2012

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DARPA's soft robot: Now you see it, now you don't (w/video)

Harvard University researchers working under DARPA's Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (M3) program recently demonstrated the ability to manufacture low-cost silicone robots with microfluidic channels that allow for air and fluids to be pumped in to control movement, color and temperature.

Aug 16th, 2012

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Lifelike, cost-effective robotic hand can disable IEDs (w/video)

Sandia National Laboratories has developed a cost-effective robotic hand that can be used in disarming improvised explosive devices, or IEDs. The Sandia Hand addresses challenges that have prevented widespread adoption of other robotic hands, such as cost, durability, dexterity and modularity.

Aug 16th, 2012

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Robotic system to inspect underground pipes

EU-funded researchers developed a high-tech robotic imaging system for inspecting underground pipes. Commercialisation should facilitate use of corrosion-resistant materials for transport of hazardous chemicals.

Aug 15th, 2012

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Soft autonomous robot inches along like an earthworm (w/video)

Scientists have engineered a soft autonomous robot that moves via peristalsis, crawling across surfaces by contracting segments of its body, much like an earthworm. The robot, made almost entirely of soft materials, is remarkably resilient: Even when stepped upon or bludgeoned with a hammer, the robot is able to inch away, unscathed.

Aug 9th, 2012

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Handy technologies for dextrous robots

A team of EU-funded researchers has developed the world's first human-sized, five-fingered robotic hand that can learn to grasp and manipulate a range of delicate and oddly shaped objects just as humans do.

Aug 2nd, 2012

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Within reach: Engineers to add arms and hands to unmanned aerial vehicles

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as those used by the military for surveillance and reconnaissance, could be getting a hand - and an arm - from engineers at Drexel University as part of a National Science Foundation grant to investigate adding dexterous limbs to the aircrafts. The project, whose subject harkens to the hovering android iconography of sci-fi movies, could be a step toward the use of UAVs for emergency response and search and rescue scenarios.

Aug 1st, 2012

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