Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A new way to grow uniform nanowire arrays

Researchers have developed a new way to grow nanowire arrays with a determined diameter, length and uniform consistency. This approach to growing nanomaterials will improve the efficiency of various devices including solar cells and fuel cells.

Nov 10th, 2014

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On the trail of proteins

Scientists have succeeded in electrochemically detecting protein binding on semiconductor materials for the first time, thanks to a newly developed investigative method based on differences in electrical charge. Now the physicists are working on an optical process to detect and localise protein binding directly under a microscope, for example, a method that could launch new applications in medical research and diagnostics.

Nov 9th, 2014

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New research lights the way to super-fast computers

New research has demonstrated how glass can be manipulated to create a material that will allow computers to transfer information using light. This development could significantly increase computer processing speeds and power in the future.

Nov 7th, 2014

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Transitions between states of matter: It's more complicated, scientists find

A new study reveals the need to rethink one of science's building blocks and, with it, how some of the basic principles underlying the behavior of matter are taught in our classrooms. The researchers examined the way that a phase change, specifically the melting of a solid, occurs at a microscopic level and discovered that the transition is far more involved than earlier models had accounted for.

Nov 7th, 2014

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Biologisch abbaubare Silizium-Nanopartikel

Wissenschaftler des Leibniz-Institutes f�r Photonische Technologien konnten nachweisen, dass Silizium-Nanopartikel biologisch abbaubar sind. Damit er�ffnen sich neue Anwendungsfelder in der Medizin - beispielweise in der Therapie und Diagnose von Krebs.

Nov 7th, 2014

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