Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Shape of things to come in nanoparticle platelet mimicry

For the first time, researchers have been able to integratively mimic the shape, size, flexibility and surface chemistry of real blood platelets on albumin-based particles. The platelet mimics halt bleeding in mouse models 65 percent faster than nature alone.

Nov 5th, 2014

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Winners of the First Heinrich Rohrer Medal

In order to celebrate the great achievements accomplished by the late Dr. Heinrich Rohrer, Nobel Laureate and IBM Fellow and to further promote progress in research and development in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, an international prize was named after him in 2013 by The Surface Science Society of Japan (SSSJ) in collaboration with IBM Research Zurich, the Swiss Embassy in Japan and his wife Rose-Marie.

Nov 5th, 2014

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Are we entering the nano era?

Modern hard drives only require an area of a few square nanometers for each bit of information. To protect ourselves from sunburn we use sunscreens that contain nanoparticles of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Is this the beginning of the nano era? Younan Xia from Georgia Institute of Technology pursues this question in his editorial.

Nov 5th, 2014

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New study supports the use of a POSS molecule to strengthen aluminum alloys in automobiles

The study results show that TriSilanol POSS, created by silanol bonds at the corners of the POSS molecule, increased both the strength and toughness of A4047 and A359 aluminum alloys. In the A359 sample where POSS was added, elongation to failure increased from 23% to 250% over the control sample. According to the authors, these results hold great promise for the automotive industry.

Nov 5th, 2014

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Light in new shape

The joint project R2D2 will start in November 2014 aiming at the investigation of production-related processes and technologies for the manufacturing of flexible OLED.

Nov 4th, 2014

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