Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nano-Optik mit Risiko

In Dimensionen vordringen, die nie ein Physiker zuvor gesehen hat: Auf diesem Weg befindet sich Professor Bert Hecht. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft flankiert seinen Vorstoss mit 1,5 Millionen Euro.

Nov 4th, 2014

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A coating that protects against heat and oxidation

Researchers have developed a coating technique that they plan to use to protect tur- bine engine and waste incinerator components against heat and oxidation. A topcoat from micro-scaled hollow aluminium oxide spheres provides heat insulation, in the lab, already proved more economical than conventional techniques.

Nov 3rd, 2014

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Hierarchical vine-tree-like carbon nanotube architectures

Researchers report on the in-situ self-assembly of vine-tree-like nanostructure using carbon nanotubes as the building blocks by chemical vapor deposition. This work also provides a general biomimetic strategy toward the design of hierarchical nanomaterials with extraordinary electron pathways as well as tunable surface/interface that can be used in areas of catalysis, separation, and energy conversion and storage.

Nov 3rd, 2014

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Two photons strongly coupled by glass fiber

Usually, light waves do not interact with each other. Coupling of photons with other photons is only possible with the help of special materials and very intense light. Scientists in Vienna have now created the strongest possible coupling of only two photons - an important achievement for quantum optics.

Nov 2nd, 2014

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Ultracold disappearing act (w/video)

How can two clumps of matter pass through each other without sharing space? Physicists have documented a strange disappearing act by colliding Bose Einstein condensates that appear to keep their distance even as they pass through one another.

Nov 2nd, 2014

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A quantum leap in nanoparticle efficiency

New research has unlocked the secrets of efficiency in nanomaterials, that is, materials with very tiny particles, which will improve the future development of chemical sensors used in chemical and engineering industries.

Oct 31st, 2014

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