Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Shaking the topological cocktail of success

Take ultracold potassium atoms, place a honeycomb lattice of laser beams on top of them and shake everything in a circular motion: this recipe enabled ETH researchers to implement an idea for a new class of materials first proposed in 1988 in their laboratory.

Nov 13th, 2014

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Engineers efficiently 'mix' light at the nanoscale

Researchers have engineered a nanowire system that could pave the way for this ability, combining two light waves to produce a third with a different frequency and using an optical cavity to amplify the intensity of the output to a usable level.

Nov 13th, 2014

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New Insights on Kondo Effect

Researchers visualized the electronic interactions of magnetic impurities in metals. In doing so, they discovered that the electron patterns which arise around magnetic foreign atoms as a result of the Kondo effect interact over greater distances than previously thought. The insights from the examination of a simple model system could be beneficial in understanding materials with complex electronic structures. (in German)

Nov 13th, 2014

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NIH award for cancer diagnosis with photoswitchable nanoparticles

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences researcher Vladimir Zharov recently was awarded a $1.5 million R01 grant by the National Institutes of Health to investigate his diagnostic concept - 'in vivo reading written in blood' - with new stimuli-responsive nanoparticles circulating in blood.

Nov 13th, 2014

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Switching on the future: Electronic switches on the molecular scale

A research team in Japan has shown that a molecular electronic switch with multi-conductance states (for example, high, medium and low states) is possible using a single quarter thiophene-based junction. In this new switch, the switching behavior is triggered by external mechanical force.

Nov 13th, 2014

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OLED devices for lab-on-a-chip-applications

Fraunhofer FEP presents latest approaches to fabricate OLED devices for lab-on-a-chip-applications using either near UV electroluminescence or optically modulated green light to stimulate fluorescent dye markers.

Nov 12th, 2014

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