Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 201 - 225 of 289

NanoTEST is a collaborative research project which is funded under the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Health 2007. The project brings together a team of lead scientists in Europe, and the overall aim is to develop alternative testing strategies and high-throughput toxicity testing protocols using in vitro and in silico methods essential for the risk assessment of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics.
An ITA (Institute of Technology Assessment) Project - Integrative Analysis of the State of Knowledge Regarding Health and Environmental Risks of Nanotechnology. The heart of the research project is to continually survey, analyse and summarise the state of knowledge regarding potential health and environmental risks of nanotechnology.
As a EU FP7 "flagship" project, NanoValid has mobilized the necessary expertise and resources to adequately respond to the growing production and use of engineered nanomaterials in a multitude of technical applications and consumer products. The project will in particular address the question, if and how these new materials will increase exposure on humans and ecosystems.
The general objective of the NanoWal network is to connect academic & industrial actors active in the nanotech field in Wallonia.
The main objective of this proposal is related to the creation of nano-electronic devices based on new materials with advanced functionalities, corresponding to the next generation of devices under research and development by the electronic industry.
The European FP7-financed Nanoyou will engage with more than 25,000 students and 4,000 young adults about nanotechnologies through programs in schools, science centres and museums around Europe, and with a much wider audience through this portal.
NAREGI is carrying out R&D from two directions: through the grid middleware R&D at the National Institute of Informatics (NII), and through applied experimental study using nano-applications, at the Institute for Molecular Science (IMS).
The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer is a comprehensive, systematized initiative encompassing the public and private sectors, designed to accelerate the application of the best capabilities of nanotechnology to cancer.
NCLT is the first national center for learning and teaching of nanoscale science and engineering education in the US. The mission of NCLT is to develop the next generation of leaders in NSE teaching and learning, with an emphasis on NSEE capacity building, providing a strong impact on national STEM education.
This interdisciplinary center has been striving to become an internationally recognized hub for paradigm-shifting research, innovation, and education in the domain of 'smart' materials whose function and design are inspired by nature. Transcending traditional disciplines, the center integrates the research activities of 15 research groups from the University of Fribourg?s Adolphe Merkle Institute, its departments of chemistry, medicine, and physics, and partners at the University of Geneva and the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and Lausanne (EPFL).
NIOSH is the leading U.S. federal agency conducting research and providing guidance on the occupational safety and health implications and applications of nanotechnology.
The National Nanomanufacturing Network is an open network for collaboration and information exchange among the nanomanufacturing research, development and education community.
The NNIN is an integrated networked partnership of user facilities, supported by the  National Science Foundation, serving the needs of nanoscale science,  engineering and technology. The mission of National NNIN is to enable rapid advancements in science, engineering and technology at the nano-scale by efficient access to nanotechnology infrastructure by providing shared open, geographically diverse laboratories
This is a good source of basic nanotech information.  Following links from the homepage, one finds a listing of NNI centers and funding opportunities for academics and startups
This program will coordinate theresearch efforts from various government organizations to achieve objectives that follow the worldwide nanotechnology development trends.
The aim of the ESF program 'Nanotribology (NATRIBO)' is to improve the collaborations between experimentalists and theoreticians in the field of tribology on the nanometer scale.
The Environmental Nanoscience Initiative was set up by NERC, Defra and the Environment Agency in the UK to begin to answer some questions of basic nanosciences research; into fate and behavior, ecotoxicology and ecological effects of engineering nanoparticles.
Maintained by the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology this site serves as an information clearinghouse about nanotechnology in North Carolina.
The Research and Training Network NESPA will focus on the research topic of the development of high temperature superconductor (HTS) materials for power applications.
The Network for Computational Nanotechnology (7 universities) has a mission to connect theory, experiment, and computation in a way that makes a difference to the future of nanotechnology. While addressing challenges in nanotechnology NCN researchers produce new algorithms, approaches, and software tools with capabilities not yet available commercially.
The main objective of the project, which ran from 08/2004 until 07/2006, was to mobilize human and material resources in the field of nanostructured materials in New Member States of the EU, to consolidate, strengthen, and enhance the dispersed research/technological potential in this field of research, to promote and use the results of 5th FP and 6th FP, and to improve the knowledge based application oriented nanoscience and nanotechnology in Europe.
The project focuses on the research and development of a new bioactive non-resorbable fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) material for load-bearing bone and joint implants in skeletal reconstruction of orthopaedic and trauma patients. A special emphasis will be placed on the development of bioactive and antibacterial surface treatments of the implants. Another objective is to produce novel composite-based bioactive resorbable fixation devices for ligament repairs of the knee and shoulder.
The purpose of this FP7 supported project is the creation of a critical and commented database on the health, safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles.
Within the NILaustria project cluster the consortium will use Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) to provide a versatile and cost efficient solution to achieve ultra high quality, large area nanostructures. The consortium brings together all Austrian research institutions using NIL and the two NIL-related companies in Austria, i.e. NIL equipment manufacturer EVG and IMS developing a novel method for NIL template fabrication.
The NIMIC consortium (Nano-IMaging under Industrial Conditions) is aimed at making a wide variety of physical, chemical and biological processes visible that take place on the scale of atoms and molecules. The powerful, new microscopes that NIMIC develops are being applied to catalysis, breast cancer research and nanotechnology.