Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 276 - 289 of 289

The EU funded STREP project SUBTLE is associated with nanoelectronic devices in which quantum-confined electron channels are so closely spaced to each other that tailored feedback action exists. The approach of SUBTLE is based on the application of two effects in miniaturized electronics, which one usually tries to avoid in device design: back-action of the channel on the gate and noise induced switching.
The Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO) is a non-profit, worldwide professional society comprised of individuals and institutions that are engaged in: Research and development of sustainable nanotechnology; Implications of nanotechnology for Environment, Health, and Safety; Advances in nanoscience, methods, protocols and metrology; Education and understanding of sustainable nanotechnology; Applications of nanotechnology for sustainability. SNO's purpose is to provide a professional society forum to advance knowledge in all aspects of sustainable nanotechnology, including both applications and implications.
SustainComp is a large scale collaborative project financed by the European Commission. The project aims at developing new types of sustainable composite materials for a wide range of applications and has the ambition to integrate today's large enterprises on the raw material and end-use sides. (e.g. pulp mills and packaging manufacturers) and small and medium sized enterprises on the composite processing side (e.g. compounders and composite manufacturers).
SustainPack is the biggest and most important packaging research project ever undertaken. The purpose of SustainPack is to establish fibre-based packaging as the dominant player in the packaging area within a decade. It will achieve this by applying nanotechnology solutions to deliver lean and added value fibre-based packaging options for users and consumers.
In order to promote safe use and handling of manufactured nanomaterials, the platform aims to strengthen the communication and cooperation between different stakeholders to ensure knowledge exchange in the field of nanosafety.
Swiss Nano-Cube is a new interactive knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnology. It aims to spark interest in nanotechnology and engineering among students and young professionals. It is addressed to teachers and students of vocational schools, secondary schools as well as higher professional schools.
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) developed from the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Nanoscale Science and constitutes a priority program of the University of Basel.
THREADMILL is a new Marie Curie Research Training Network (RTN) devoted to cross-disciplinary training and research at the interface between Supramolecular Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Nanoscience.
nanoBridge is a pan-Alberta funding initiative administered by the Faculty of Engineering and supported by Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures. Through a competitive application and review process, nanoBridge provides grant based funding in support of early-stage commercialization activities in microsystems and nanotechnology (MNT) to Alberta's academic, institutional and industrial communities. The primary mandate of nanoBridge is to support the continued development and generation of regional economic activity within the MNT industry.
The network brings together well established research groups and industrial concerns in complementary fields of precision engineering and nanometrology in the UK.
CAMCOR is a full-service, comprehensive materials characterization center available to research institutions and private industry. The CAMCOR facilities provide enabling infrastructure for research in chemistry, nanoscience, materials science, bioscience, and optics.
The student-run Nanoclub aims to promote nanotechnology at the University of Toronto.
Nanotechnology has both applications and implications for the environment. EPA is supporting research in this technology while evaluating its regulatory responsibility to protect the environment and human health. This site highlights EPA's research in nanotechnology and provides useful information on related research at EPA and in other organizations.
A project funded by the European Commission to encourage young women to consider studies and pursue careers in this new scientific field (providing role models and mentoring programs), attract youth to Nano, network and empower women scientists working in Nano-Science at European level, stimulate female scientists to participate in EU programmes, mobilize stakeholders in favour of gender equality in scientific research and stimulate the science-society dialog.