Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 226 - 250 of 289

This EU FP6 project aims at developing a nonviral vector for gene delivery, able of a) gene transfection in vivo and on a large amount of cells, b) local and non invasive therapy, c) frequent and easy medication. This nano-device will be based on a carbon nanotube.
This EU FP6 project focuses on an innovative bottom-up approach to fabrication and integration of nanoelectronic devices, based on self-assembling semiconductor nanowires. The primary target is to deliver replacement and add-on technologies to silicon CMOS, such as FET devices for logics and III-V bipolar transistors for RF applications.
(in German) A networking initiative between academic working groups and industry.
The Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative, NCnano, is an economic development initiative focused on developing the nanotechnology and the nano-bio-IT convergence technology economy of Northern California.
The Northwest Nanotechnology Laboratory Alliance (NWNLA), a joint NNCI initiative with the Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT), is a regional platform for exchange on laboratory experiences and best practices.
OMNT's mission is to provide a continuous technical watch on key subjects in Micro and nanotechnologies.
The mission of this EU-funded project is to create a European Observatory on Nanotechnologies to present reliable, complete and responsible science-based and economic expert analysis, across technology sectors, establish dialogue with decision makers and others regarding the benefits and opportunities, balanced against barriers and risks, and allow them to take action to ensure that scientific and technological developments are realized as socio-economic benefits.
In March 2007, the OECD's Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP) established a Working Party on Nanotechnology. The objective of this Working Party is to promote international co-operation that facilitates research, development, and responsible commercialisation of nanotechnology in member countries and in non-member economies.
The ONE-P ('Organic nano-materials for electronics and photonics: design, synthesis, characterisation, processing, fabrication and applications') project has been allocated EUR 18 million under the 'Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies' (NMP) Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The project counts 28 partners from 10 EU Member States. The ONE-P project will work in the fast-growing world of organic, carbon-based semiconductors.
PRINS is the Research Infrastructure arm of a broader initiative, the ENIAC European Technology Platform. PRINS will bridge the area between research and market-driven applications and provide Europe with the ability to master the revolutionary transition from Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics, i.e. down to the level of individual atoms.
The PHANTOMS Foundation is a non-profit organisation, whose mission is to provide a platform of services and information for researchers active in Nanotechnology and Emerging Nanoelectronics in particular. This mission is accomplished by establishing a network of researchers that exchange experience and their latest results through several channels such as workshops, newsletters, WEB site, etc
Phonasum is a network of researchers and practitioners working in the field of photocatalysis from all around Europe. The main objective is to increase via a concerted European effort the fundamental knowledge of nanocrystalline photoactive materials and development of new products, which utilize self sterilizing and self cleaning photoactive materials in specific industrially relevant application fields such as self-cleaning and anti-microbial surfaces, water treatment, air purification and general hygienic applications.
PHOREMOST is the result of a decision to establish a Network of Excellence in the area of Nanophotonics and Molecular Photonics to address the near- and long term needs of photonic functional components.
This joint effort gathers a number of leading German research institutions from the Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz Society, and the Fraunhofer Society together with partners from Germany's Photonics industry. The PhoNa consortium conducts research on a broad spectrum of linear and nonlinear Photonic Nanomaterials, as e.g. metamaterials, photonic crystals, plasmonics, diffractive structures, and their application in fields such as biology, chemistry and material sciences.
This European consortium explores computing inside a single molecule using atomic scale technologies.
Quantum mechanics lies at the core of many of today's technologies as well as ongoing scientific discoveries and future innovations. The Pittsburgh Quantum Institute was established in 2012 to help unify and promote research in quantum science and engineering in the Pittsburgh area. PQI members have faculty appointments from Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University and the University of Pittsburgh in physics, chemistry and engineering disciplines. On this site you can find research profiles of PQI members, read about the latest research achievements, learn about PQI seminars and other events, and find connections to related centers in the Pittsburgh area.
EU-funded research project that aims to make plasmonics a key element in the future of the European photonics industry.
The first European research project that aims to utilize plasmonics for system-level applications and bring them into a Tb/s optical routing fabric for data interconnects.
PneumoNP is a collaborative research program aiming at the development of a nanotheragnostic system for the treatment of Gram-negative bacterial infections of the lung, with focus on Klebsiella pneumoniae caused infections.
The goal of this European Sixth Framework Programme Project is the development of a fast and flexible method for production of functions within 3D photonic crystals.
Established in April 2005 as a partnership between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Pew Charitable Trusts. The Project is dedicated to helping ensure that as nanotechnologies advance, possible risks are minimized, public and consumer engagement remains strong, and the potential benefits of these new technologies are realized.
It is the aim of the FP6 program PRONANO that the new massively parallel scanning probe nanotools with VLSI ASNEMS (application specific nanoelectromechanical systems) chips inside should empower nanotechnologists and drive the rapid development of nanoscience, leading to new nanotechnology processes and their industrial exploitation. They will secure the future of nanotechnology with economic throughputs leading to new manufacturing industries.
ProTeM (Probe-based Terabit Memory) is an EU FP6 Integrated Project funded by the IST Micro-and Nanosystems programme. Aim of the project is to develop Probe Storage micro-nano techniques and systems for ultra-high capacity, low power, small form-factor memories, with a particular focus on archival and backup applications.
PULLNANO is a 30-month Integrated Project from the 6th Framework Programme proposal for a powerful project focused on advanced Research and Technological Development activities to push forward the limits of CMOS technologies. PULLNANO focuses on the development of 32 and 22nm CMOS technology nodes opening the way to the long term future of these technologies.
The Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery and Exploration (INDEX) - one of just four such nanoelectronics research institutes in the country ? is located at CNSE's Albany NanoTech complex. The INDEX institute focuses on cutting-edge research in the field of nanotechnology, including the development of nanomaterials, fabrication technologies, nanochip designs and architectural integration schemes for realizing the computer nanochip designs of the future.