Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 126 - 150 of 289

Nano Grind, a project funded by the European Community under the 'Competitive and Sustainable Growth' Program aims at producing cheap, smooth and curved optical surfaces (in glass, ceramics or hard metal) using an innovative grinding machine tool with electrolytic in-line dressing (ELID). Nano Grind will give a significant machining cost reduction with equal specs on dimensional accuracy and surface quality.
NHECD is a free access, robust and sustainable web based information system including a knowledge repository on the impact of nanoparticles on health, safety and the environment. It includes unstructured data (e.g., scientific papers and other relevant publications). It also includes a mechanism for updating its knowledge repository, thus enabling the creation of a large and developing collection of published data on environmental and health effects following exposure to nanoparticles .
Nano Cluster Bodensee is a nanotechnology interest group in the economic area around Lake Constance.
The Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems has been established to coordinate, integrate, and strengthen PhD programmes in the field of nanotechnology and microsystems in Norway. Drawing on the strengths of the participating institutions, the objective is to facilitate an expansion in scope and depth of the research training in this field nationwide.
NATAL is a specific targeted research project (STREP) supported by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Program. The project is coordinated by the Optoelectronics research Centre. The project aims to develop compact light sources for the visible and UV wavelengths with applications in a broad range of fields including nano/micro materials processing, medicine, RGB full-color displays and UV lithography.
The focus is on basic research in the three areas of metal-, semiconductor-, and molecular/atomic-based spintronics with the visionary goal of developing nanoscale spintronic devices based on a detailed knowledge of the underlying atomistic spin-dependent interactions and processes.
Nano-Tera is a Swiss federal program funding scientific projects. The Nano-Tera initiative aims to bring Switzerland to the forefront of a new technological revolution, using engineering and information technology to improve the health and security of humans and the environment in the 21st century.
Ever been curious about how a real science project operates? What it's like working in a research lab? What happens when unexpected things happen? Ever wanted to get involved in cutting-edge nanotechnology research, meet the scientists, and be there when the latest discoveries are made? With nano2hybrids, for the first time this is possible... the key scientists involved in this European research project will be making video diaries and posting them on this web site, along with blogs of their work and lives.
The objective of this EU FP6 project is to develop an innovative specialised protein-based drug-delivery system engineered to allow the intracellular tracking of both the device and the coupled drug.
A career network for young female scientists involved in the fields of nanotechnologies.
The project's goal is to develop advanced nanocomposites materials used in civil constructions with antibacterial, selfcleaning properties and solar energy concentrators integrated structures for ambiental improvement.
NanoBio-RAISE combines ethics research in nanobiotechnology with science communication. This interdisciplinary project brings together nanobiotechnologists, ethicists and communication specialists with the aims to anticipate the societal and ethical issues likely to arise as nanobiotechnologies develop and to use the lessons from the GM debate to respond to the probable public concerns. NanoBio-RAISE is a 6th Framework Programme project.
The main objective of the project is to establish the scientific and technological basis for the development new intelligent composite scaffold for bone tissue repair and regeneration with bioactive behavior capable of activating osteoprogenitor cells and genes and within an in vivo environment provide the interface to respond to physiological and biological changes, with mechanical and structural properties similar to a healthy bone and with size and shape required for reconstructing big skeletal defects.
The project aims to support SMEs, their suppliers, service suppliers and research institutes in their decision making when developing and producing polymeric nanobiomaterials for drug delivery by implementing a Safe-by-Design (SbD) approach. Moreover, the regulatory framework for the topic at hand and safety aspects during the product's life-cycle are included.
The NANOCAGE project brings together a number of leading European nanoscience groups on a research problem which involves not only a novel materials system but a variety of cutting edge spectroscopic techniques. Interpretation of the spectroscopic measurements will in turn be facilitated by the application of a number of powerful theoretical methods. This combination of interdisciplinary research, challenging experimental techniques, an exotic materials system, and comprehensive theoretical work provides an exceptionally strong PhD training programme in nanoscience.
NanoCap is a European project that is set up to deepen the understanding of environmental, occupational health and safety risks and ethical aspects of nanotechnology. Therefore a structured discussion is organised between environmental NGOs, trade unions, academic researchers and other stakeholders. NanoCap is the acronym for 'Nanotechnology Capacity Building NGOs'. This project will enable environmental NGOs and trade unions to participate in a debate on nanotechnology at European level.
The project NANOCAPS will develop new technologies based on micro-encapsulation to solve industrial problems related to controlled release of chemicals.
(Site in German) NanoCare is a joint project of German industry, universities and research institutes to gain scientific knowledge about potential health risks of engineered nanoparticles.
A EU-funded project for the development of very high performance bio-derived composite materials of cellulose nanofibres and polysaccharides.
The EU FP7 NanoCharM project (Multifunctional NanoMaterials Characterization exploiting Ellipsometry and Polarimetry) will promote and develop the use of non-destructive characterization of nanomaterials using polarimetry and ellipsometry techniques.
This European project's goal is to establish new methodologies (high-resolution ion microscopy, radiotracer) on skin cross sections to study the quality of skin as a barrier against formulations containing nanoparticles.
The main objective of this FP7 project is a development and validation of technologies for the detection and analysis of single nanoparticles in complex environments. The project is based on the new experimental phenomenon discovered recently by one of the project partners: single sub-wavelength objects give rise to optical signals in surface plasmon resonance microscopy.
The main project goal is to develop innovative concepts and reliable methods for characterizing engineered nanoparticles in workplace air with novel, portable and easy-to-use devices suitable for workplaces.
Development of Novel Nanotechnology Based Diagnostic Systems for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis (NanoDiaRA). The main objective of this large-scale integrating project is the development of modified superparamagnetic nanoparticles as a diagnostic tool for the detection of early stages of arthritis. In addition to research, the project will consider the social, ethical and legal aspects of applying nanotechnology for medical purposes.
The European FP7 project NanoDiode, launched in July 2013 for a period of three years, establishes an innovative, coordinated programme for outreach and dialogue throughout Europe so as to support the effective governance of nanotechnologies. The project integrates vital engagement activities along the innovation value chain, at the levels of research policy, research and development, and the use of nanotechnological innovations throughout society.