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Showing Spotlights 761 - 768 of 2879 in category All (newest first):


A smart skin for marine biology research

smart_skinFrequently, research by marine biologists depends on weighty and invasive sensory and telemetry equipment to understand and assess various aspects of the marine ecosystem. Researchers generally employ invasive attachment techniques to attach these devices to animals, sometimes restricting their natural movements. These tagging systems can be quite abrasive and not so forgiving on the animals. An alternative is a newly developed developed smart skin that integrates the main desired sensor arrays for continuously logging salinity/conductivity, temperature and depth in deep oceans.

May 7th, 2018

All-natural nanobiotechnology instead of synthetic agrochemicals

nanoemulsionWidespread use of synthetic agrochemicals in crop protection has led to serious concerns of environmental contamination and increased resistance in plant-based pathogenic microbes. In an effort to develop bio-based and non-synthetic alternatives, nanobiotechnology researchers are looking to plants that possess natural antimicrobial properties. In new work, researchers show that nanoscale thymol's antibacterial and antifungal properties not only prevent plant disease but that it also enhances plant growth.

May 4th, 2018

Metal-organic frameworks can enhance sonodynamic cancer therapy

sonosensitizerSonodynamic therapy (SDT) has attracted wide attention as a novel treatment strategy for deep-seated tumors due to its safety, tissue penetration depth and low cost. However, traditional organic sonosensitizers tend to suffer from low water solubility, fast metabolism and elimination from the blood circulation. Sciebtists now report the excellent potential of metal-organic-framework (MOF)-derived mesoporous carbon nanostructures containing porphyrin-like metal centers in SDT augmentation.

May 3rd, 2018

Piezoelectric nanotechnology platform inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation

cellsScientists report an innovative nanotechnological approach for inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cells. For the first time, a wireless treatment based on piezoelectric nanoparticles has been exploited to remotely deliver electric stimulations to breast cancer cells. The team shows that chronic electric stimulations mediated by piezoelectric nanoparticles result in the ability to significantly reduce the breast cancer cell proliferation by affecting the ion homeostasis and the organization of the mitotic spindles during cell division.

May 2nd, 2018

A nano squeegee to clean nano sheets

squeegeeBy precisely stacking various 2D materials in a predetermined sequence on top of each other, researchers create van der Waals heterostructures that, due to their unique interlayer coupling, have special optoelectronic properties. Unfortunately, the study of 2D monolayers is plagued by trapped contaminants in between the 2D sheets as well as between the 2D sheets and the underlying substrate. These contaminants make it difficult to obtain precise and reproducible experimental observations. A simple technique for removing these contaminants in a process similar to a squeegee.

May 1st, 2018

Nanopatterning holograms onto commercial contact lenses

contact_lensResearchers report a new a method to produce optical nanostructures on commercial contact lenses. This method aids in functionalizing and nanotexturing an of the shelf, commercial contact lens. This adds to the trend of the humble contact lens, widely used to correct common vision problems, being on its way to become a 'smart' diagnostic tool. Tears contain diagnostic information regarding ocular diseases, and they can be used as a surrogate medium for analyzing blood chemistry.

Apr 30th, 2018

Energy-saving windows made from common glass and cheap nanocrystals

windowsOne of the main challenges for energy efficient technologies is to lower their cost by making cheap energy-efficient materials and devices by preferably using green manufacturing technologies. For example, commercial infrared-blocking windows, both passive and active, are simply too expensive (most of these IR-blocking windows contain an expensive silver coating) and they are not used in the majority of our homes. One approach to this problem involves creating passive infrared-blocking glasses using plasmonic nanocrystals. Researchers have demonstrated that nanocrystals of relatively inexpensive plasmonic materials show an overall good performance as IR-blocking elements.

Apr 27th, 2018

Multiple electromagnetic responses from accordion-like plasmonic nanorods

plasmonic_nanorodsWell-defined complex nanostructures for metamaterials with unique optical properties - such as negative refractive index, strong artificial optical activity and perfect absorption - are usually prepared by top-down approaches, including direct laser writing, multiple e-beam lithography, and membrane projection lithography. In a recent breakthrough, scientists have combined block copolymer self-assembly and an anodized aluminum oxide template to fabricate unique complex nanostructures over a large (centimeter) area.

Apr 26th, 2018