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Showing Spotlights 697 - 704 of 2879 in category All (newest first):


Large-scale synthesis of metal nanoclusters with thermal shocks

nanoclusterResearchers report significant advances in developing a high-temperature, fast nanomanufacturing technique for the large-scale production of ultra small metal nanoclusters decorated in a graphene host matrix. The size and morphology of the metal nanoclusters can be controlled by varying the reaction temperature and the mass loading of metal salt in the graphene aerosol nanoreactors. This one-step continuous aerosol-based thermal shock technique offers considerable potential for the manufacturing of well-dispersed and uniform nanoclusters stabilized within a host matrix.

Feb 4th, 2019

Material systems used in 4D printing

4D printing allows a 3D printed structure to change its configuration or function with time in response to external stimuli such as temperature, light, water, pH, etc. The basic idea is to manipulate materials at nano and micro levels in order to produce, via 3D printing, materials that can modify their structures over time at the macro level. Based on 4D printing, 3D printed objects from nano- to macroscale can be fabricated as smart devices, metamaterials, and origami for various functional applications in prototype, aerospace, biomedicine, etc.

Jan 31st, 2019

From atoms to nanoparticles to living matter

nanoparticleWhereas the evolutionary path of the atomic world has occurred over billions of years, the evolutionary path of the synthetic nanoparticle world has just begun. Man-made nanoparticle assemblies are beginning to revolutionize different fields including thermoelectronics, photoelectronics, catalysts, energy generation and storage, as well as medical diagnostics and therapeutics. Using the unconventional approach of comparing the atomic and nanoparticle worlds authors describe the development of nanoparticle research during the past several decades and provide pointers as to what the future might hold.

Jan 22nd, 2019

Super-stable antinomy carbon composite anodes to boost potassium storage performance

electrode_materialPotassium-ion batteries (PIBs) have been considered as promising alternatives to lithium-ion batteries due to the rich natural abundance of potassium and similar redox potential with Li+/Li. Recently, researchers have designed and fabricated a novel antimony carbon composite PIB anode via a facile and scalable electrospray-assisted strategy and found that this anode delivered super high specific capacities as well as cycling stability in a highly concentrated electrolyte. These encouraging results will significantly promote the deep understanding of the fundamental electrochemistry in Potassium-ion batteries as well as rational development of efficient electrolyte systems for next generation high-performance Potassium-ion batteries.

Jan 21st, 2019

Nanowire meshes to improve electrochemical devices

nanomeshBy re-designing interconnected nanowire networks, researchers fabricated novel nanostructured current collectors, which are the first to combine very high surface area, high porosity, substantially large pores and mechanical flexibility. Thanks to its ordered microstructure, the material can uniquely combine high porosity of cellular metal foams with high surface area of state-of-the-art nanoporous dealloyed metals, which allowed it to surpass the electrochemical performance of up to 300-thicker commercial electrodes.

Jan 18th, 2019

Graphene researchers are inspired by spider webs

graphene_meshMotivated by the high level of flexibility exhibited by spider webs, scientists have developed a novel design for highly flexible and sensitive piezoresistive sensors based on an elastomer-filled graphene-woven fabric (E-GWF) structure. This technique mimics the distinct core-shell structure of spider webs. This fabrication method could also be extended to other 1D and 2D materials for many emerging practical applications. In addition to excellent sensing capability, the E-GWF also shows unusual switching behavior at large strains owing to the reversible cracking and reconnection of interconnected graphene tubes.

Jan 17th, 2019

A solid-state nanopore platform for digital data storage

dna_computingUsing DNA to directly store data is an attractive possibility because it is extremely dense and long-lasting. Currently, though, synthesizing and sequencing DNA molecules for storing large amounts of data involves complex devices and is very expensive. In an effort to make data storage in DNA more affordable and commercially viable, researchers have combined nanopore sensing and DNA nanotechnology in a solid-state nanopore platform for digital data storage. This digital data storage method provides an alternative to information storage in the DNA base sequence.

Jan 15th, 2019

The stressful life of high-capacity electrodes

microcantilever_arrayOne of the persistent challenges associated with electrode degradation and battery failure is the stress induced by ion intercalation, companied by large volume fluctuation of electrode materials. Although researchers have developed numerous in situ microscopy and spectrometry technologies that provided valuable insights into the impacts of the stress buildup and release, the strength of the localized stress at the micro- and nanoscale remains poorly understood. In new work, researchers have developed an in situ solution to quantitatively measure the localized stress on electrodes.

Jan 10th, 2019