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Showing Spotlights 1049 - 1056 of 2876 in category All (newest first):


Real-time and label-free detection of single viruses in complex solutions

virus_detectionMany virus detection platforms, including conventional fluorescent label-based ones, have limitations because they are time-intensive and not easily compatible with point-of-care use without the existence of significant infrastructure and expert staff. Researchers have now developed a technique capable of specifically visualizing label-free single viruses in complex solutions in real-time. This approach eliminates virtually all sample preparation.

Feb 5th, 2016

A roadmap for bulk nanomaterials based on 2D building blocks

The scaling up of nanomaterials in the broader context of materials science and engineering is the topic of a Perspective article, where the authors construct a roadmap for assembling nanoscale building blocks into bulk nanostructured materials, and define some of the critical challenges and goals. Two-dimenisonal sheets are uniquely well-suited in this roadmap for constructing dense, bulk-sized samples with scalable material performance or interesting emergent properties. But no matter what structures are used, when nanostructures with better-than-bulk material performances are used in bulk form, it is critical that those extraordinary nanoscale properties can be scaled to the macroscopic level.

Feb 4th, 2016

'Multiplex number' as a new figure-of-merit for non-volatile resistive memory devices

barsResistive random access memory (RRAM) is envisioned as a next generation non-volatile memory because of the simple device geometry, ease of fabrication and operation. The necessity of high-density information storage and its relevance in neuromorphic circuitry has gained much attention and led to the development of multilevel resistive switching (MRS) for multiple memory states. In a recent study, researchers have defined a new figure-of-merit to identify the efficiency of resistive switching devices with multiple memory states. This will assist researches as well as technologist in classifying and deciding the true merit of their memory devices.

Feb 1st, 2016

CaO particles as promising templates for hierarchical porous graphene growth

porous_grapheneHierarchical porous carbon/graphene (HPC/HPG) materials have been intensively investigated over the past decades. These materials are demonstrated as promising electrode materials for various systems, such as lithium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells, with a remarkable capacity, high efficiency, long stability, and excellent rate capability. Researchers have now proposed the employment of hierarchical porous calcium oxide (CaO) particles as effective catalytic template for the facile CVD growth of graphene.

Jan 26th, 2016

What if ... we had radar that recognized us from the way we walk?

radar_sensorThe future Internet of Things (IoT), with its intuitive applications, will operate based on an broad stream of data supplied by sensors placed everywhere. These will be sensors that are many times smarter and more sensitive than the ones we have today. They will also be produced and installed in far greater numbers and be much cheaper than they are now. For example, researchers envisage a radar that is capable of distinguishing pedestrians from cyclists. That technology might even allow to identify individuals from the way they walk.

Jan 18th, 2016

Green nano: Positive environmental effects through the use of nanotechnology

green_nanoThis dossier is concerned with the question to what extent a concept along the lines of the 'green nano design principles' developed by the German NanoCommission can contribute to environmentally friendly developments in the area of nanotechnology. For this purpose, it introduces research projects which have implemented certain aspects of the green nano design principles. Moreover, on the basis of technological and scientific research and development, the question is raised whether or not, and if so, to what extent concepts such as green nano design principles can support the incorporation of environmental aspects into research.

Jan 15th, 2016

Sulfiphilic electrocatalysts dredge the polysulfide 'flooding' in Li-S batteries

moleculeCapacity decay caused by polysulfides' detachment from the cathode framework has been a major issue preventing the broad application of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. Researchers discovered that it is the incompatibility between polar lithium polysulfide molecules and commonly used nanocarbon cathode scaffolds that restraines the redox reactivity. By incorporating sulfiphilic cobalt disulfide into carbon/sulfur cathodes, They managed to introduce strong interaction between lithium polysulfides and CoS2 under working conditions.

Jan 13th, 2016

High-quality graphene quantum dots from agricultural waste

rice_husksDue to the high concentration of silica in rice husks, most of the present research focuses on the preparation of silicon-based materials, which exhibit broad applications in the fields of adsorption, catalysis, energy storage, etc. There is also a large amount of organic components in rice husks, which is typically wasted in the preparation of these silica materials. Researchers now have developed an advanced method for the comprehensive use of rice husks. They fabricated high quality graphene quantum dots from the organic components of rice husks, and simultaneously obtained mesoporous silica nanoparticles with a high surface area from the inorganic content.

Jan 12th, 2016