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Showing Spotlights 41 - 48 of 237 in category All (newest first):


The future of contact lenses - lab-on-a-lens, augmented reality, and head-up displays

smart-contact-lensOngoing smart contact lens research ranges from biosignal detection (intraocular pressure, glucose, cortisol) to therapeutic tools (aniridia, chronic ocular inflammation) and advanced features such as aumented reality displays and personalized designs using 3D-printing technology. Some of these technologies are already finding their way from the lab into commercial applications. The development of next-generation, smart contact lens technology is not just simply one field of bioelectronics but rather a complex, interdisciplinary effort that includes development of biocompatible materials; development of intuitive interfaces; and development of integration technologies capable of smart contact lens research.

Apr 18th, 2022

Combination of engineered resonators and nanotechnology for sensing hazardous environments

resonatorResonance-based sensors can be used as an advanced tool for gas sensing as they show several advantages as compared to conventional gas sensors like metal-oxide semiconductor and electro-chemical gas sensors. With the introduction of an additional metamaterial layer over the sensor, the selectivity of these sensors can be improved. These article focuses mainly on metamaterial-based split ring resonators (SRR) and complementary SRRs (CSRRs) structures used in several sensing applications.

Apr 7th, 2022

A revolutionary customizable fabrication platform for electronic skins (w/videos)

skin-electronicsConventional skin electronics are fixed designs that lack consideration for the individual characteristics of the wearer as well as the ability to actively adapt to various user specifications. In order to manage different sensor specifications and body impedances, design adjustments are inevitable during fabrication of these devices. To address this issue, researchers have developed a real-time fabrication platform that can adapt to arbitrary environments by freely drawing or erasing paths in a printed circuit.

Feb 3rd, 2022

Tracing nanoscale variations of optical properties of 2D heterostructures with multidimensional optical imaging

nano-islandA novel multidimensional characterization approach that combines several characterization techniques, allowing to get materials properties of the heterostructure with (almost) nanometer resolution. The method combines several microscopy tools into a multidimensional imaging tool that allows the inspection of materials' optical properties at a resolution much higher than with regular optical microscopy. At the core of this method are nanometer-resolution optical maps that we obtained with scattering Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (sSNOM).

Jan 22nd, 2022

From aptamer-graphene interaction understanding to biosensor performance improvements

biosensorThe use of graphene-based field-effect transistors is one of the most powerful biosensing units for the detection of numerous biological and biochemical analytes. In new work, researchers propose a microscopic model of mycotoxin detection via graphene-based aptasensors enabling improvement of biosensor sensitivity, which is based on the investigation of aptamer interaction mechanism with graphene channel during binding of targeted molecules. The limit of detection is estimated at only 1 pM and time response in just 10 seconds, making the developed platform a high-performance device.

Dec 22nd, 2021

Unipolar barrier photodetectors based on van der Waals heterostructures

photodetectorPhotodetectors with blackbody response show significant applications in remote sensing and infrared imaging. However, up to now, few works have demonstrated excellent response to blackbody radiation (weak irregular radiation from a real object), which is essential to reliably evaluate their potential in practical detections. Researchers now have demonstrated van der Waals unipolar barrier photodetectors with nBn and pBp heterostructures. Designing unipolar barriers with conventional materials is challenging due to the strict requirements of lattice and band matching.

Jun 24th, 2021

Enhancing plasmonic biosensors with atomically thin nanomaterials

biomarker-detectionResearchers have significantly enhanced the performance of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensing platform by adding an atomically thin phase change material to the sensor. This plasmonic sensing device exhibits a detection limit of 1 femtomol for tumor necrosis factor (TNF alpha) biomarkers , which is more than three orders of magnitude compared to current state-of-art nanomaterial-enhanced plasmonic sensors. It also detects small biotin molecules with a sensitivity of 10 femtomols. This sub-attomole detection level is a significant improvement compared to other SPR designs.

Apr 19th, 2021

A wearable, wireless feedback sensor system to track body conditions

sensor-systemWearable flexible sensors have recently emerged as promising alternatives for human healthcare monitoring due to their lightweight and thin-film-based nature. However, few of these flexible sensor systems are applicable to neonatal monitoring, especially sleeping posture detection. Researchers now report a versatile laser-induced-graphene-based integrated sensor system, which can wirelessly monitor sleeping postures, respiration rate, and diaper wetness with feedback alarm functions.

Mar 31st, 2021