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Showing Spotlights 9 - 16 of 203 in category All (newest first):


Single-enzyme breakthrough powers flexible biofuel cells

biofuelcellBy adopting a single-enzyme approach, scientists have unlocked a new era in enzymatic biofuel cell technology, where one device serves a dual purpose: harvesting electricity and providing an analytical signal for glucose detection, all powered by a single enzyme, glucose oxidase, on both the anode and cathode.

Apr 13th, 2023

Single molecule studies of quantum dot - dye energy transfer

quantum-dotsResearchers report single molecule studies of energy transfer using a quantum dot donor with an organic dye acceptor. They demonstrate that suppression of the blinking of the QD donor minimizes the loss of energy, which is achieved by a simple surface treatment method.

Apr 10th, 2023

The promising future of triboelectric nanogenerators in marine exploitation

pipiline-waveTriboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are rapidly emerging as a cutting-edge technology with the potential to revolutionize the marine industry. As a novel technology that has made significant progress over the past decade, TENGs have been regarded as one of the most efficient methods for harvesting low-frequency ocean energy.

Apr 3rd, 2023