Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Easily assembled gold nanoparticle scaffolding serves as molecular probe

The development of pharmaceutical treatments is difficult -- clinicians and researchers know a certain drug can regulate particular functions, but they might not know how it actually works. Researchers have developed a new, streamlined method to better understand the molecular mechanisms underpinning these interactions.

Feb 1st, 2021

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The first steps toward a quantum brain

An intelligent material that learns by physically changing itself, similar to how the human brain works, could be the foundation of a completely new generation of computers. Physicists now have demonstrated that they can pattern and interconnect a network of single atoms, and mimic the autonomous behaviour of neurons and synapses in a brain.

Feb 1st, 2021

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Origami with DNA

By cleverly designing single DNA strands that only fit together in certain sections, you can connect several double helices with each other and thus create complicated structures.

Feb 1st, 2021

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Solvation-driven electrochemical actuation

Researchers demonstrated a novel principle of actuation - to transform electrical energy into motion. This actuation mechanism is based on solvation, the interaction between solute and solvent molecules in a solution.

Jan 29th, 2021

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Size of helium nucleus measured more precisely than ever before

In experiments, an international research collaboration has measured the radius of the atomic nucleus of helium five times more precisely than ever before. With the aid of the new value, fundamental physical theories can be tested and natural constants can be determined even more precisely.

Jan 28th, 2021

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