Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A magnetic twist to graphene

By combining ferromagnets and two rotated layers of graphene, researchers open up a new platform for strongly interacting states using graphene's unique quantum degree of freedom.

Feb 5th, 2021

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Graphene quantum dots achieve high-resolution imaging

With the help of these quantum dots, researchers can use super-resolution technology to break the optical diffraction limit and fill the gap between the electron microscope (about 1 nm) and the ordinary visible optical microscope (200-250 nm).

Feb 4th, 2021

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Molecules bend for organic electronics

Scientists have created a new type of conducting polymer containing both linear and ring elements. The new polymers have very different electronic properties than scientists would expect if the polymers simply added the contributions from each linear and ring-shaped component.

Feb 4th, 2021

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Fluorescent metal organic frameworks go dark to detect explosives

Researchers have shown how the structure of the MOF, and its interactions with the guest molecules, can produce a signal. With this understanding, researchers can design MOFs to be sensor materials for many important applications. These findings could lead to simpler ways to detect chemicals, including explosives.

Feb 4th, 2021

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