Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Two-phase material with surprising properties

Microstructure and macroscopic electro-mechanical properties are closely coupled in so-called ferroelectric polymers. An explanation for the high temperature dependence of this coupling has now been found.

Feb 9th, 2021

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World's first video recording of a space-time crystal

A team of researchers has succeeded in creating a micrometer-sized space-time crystal consisting of magnons at room temperature. With the help of an ultra-precise X-ray microscope, they were able to capture the recurring periodic magnetization structure in a video.

Feb 9th, 2021

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Shuffling bubbles reveal how liquid foams evolve

Researchers found that bubble movement was qualitatively different depending on the range of bubble sizes present. Along with analogies with soft-jammed materials, these findings may inspire the design of new foam materials for industry.

Feb 6th, 2021

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Tiny sensors reveal cellular forces involved in tissue generation

A new technique reveals the forces involved at the cellular level during biological tissue formation and growth processes. The technique could be useful in better understanding how these processes work, and in studying how they may respond to environmental toxins or drug therapies.

Feb 5th, 2021

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