Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Kagome graphene promises exciting properties

Theoretical calculations predict that the compound known as 'kagome graphene' should have completely different properties to graphene. Kagome graphene consists of a regular pattern of hexagons and equilateral triangles that surround one another.

Feb 15th, 2021

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The water surface is a fantastic place for chemical reactions

Using an advanced technique, scientists have demonstrated that a chemical reaction powered by light takes place ten thousand times faster at the air-water interface - what we usually call the water surface - than in the bulk of the water, even when the light has equivalent energy.

Feb 15th, 2021

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Harnessing socially-distant molecular interactions for future computing

Interactions between individual molecules on a metal surface extend for surprisingly large distances - up to several nanometers. A new study of the changing shape of electronic states induced by these interactions, has potential future application in the use of molecules as individually addressable units.

Feb 15th, 2021

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A new quantum switch for electronics

Physicists have studied a quantum point contact between two conductors with external oscillating fields applied to the contact. They found that, for some types of contacts, an increase in the oscillation frequency above a critical value reduced the current to zero - a promising mechanism that can help create nanoelectronics components.

Feb 11th, 2021

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New wearable device turns the body into a battery

The device is stretchy enough that you can wear it like a ring, a bracelet or any other accessory that touches your skin. It also taps into a person's natural heat - employing thermoelectric generators to convert the body's internal temperature into electricity.

Feb 11th, 2021

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