Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

No more needles?

Researchers have developed a biosensing microneedle patch that can be applied to the skin, capture a biomarker of interest and, thanks to its unprecedented sensitivity, allow clinicians to detect its presence.

Jan 22nd, 2021

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Researchers demonstrate molecularly woven fabric

Researchers have developed a way to weave molecular threads in two-dimensional layers. In doing so they have produced a 2D-molecularly-woven fabric that has a thread count of 40-60 million (for comparison, the finest Egyptian linen has a thread count of around 1500 - thread count is the number of strands per inch).

Jan 22nd, 2021

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Enhancing hybrid flow batteries with graphene

Scientists have found a way to enhance hybrid flow batteries and their commercial use. The new approach can store electricity in these batteries for very long durations for about a fifth the price of current technologies, with minimal location restraints and zero emissions.

Jan 22nd, 2021

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Bringing atoms to a standstill

Scientists have miniaturized the optical components required to cool atoms down to a few thousandths of a degree above absolute zero, the first step in employing them on microchips to drive a new generation of super-accurate atomic clocks, enable navigation without GPS, and simulate quantum systems.

Jan 22nd, 2021

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