Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers develop nanomaterial bio-sensor

Researchers have developed a highly sensitive nucleotide sensor that uses the special light-emitting properties of some nanoparticles in analyzing and identifying individual components of single strands of DNA and RNA.

Oct 11th, 2006

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A 'green' approach to transform plastics manufacturing

Using environmentally safe compounds like sugars and vitamin C, scientists at have vastly improved a popular technology used to generate a diverse range of industrial plastics for applications ranging from targeted drug delivery systems to resilient paint coatings.

Oct 10th, 2006

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Nanocrystals are hot

Scientists have discovered that nanocrystals of germanium embedded in silica glass don't melt until the temperature rises almost 200 degrees Kelvin above the melting temperature of germanium in bulk.

Oct 10th, 2006

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