Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Laser beams build and hold nanoscale structures

A form of matter held together by nothing more substantial than light has been created by physicists in the UK. The method, known as "optical binding", was used to glue together about 100 polystyrene beads ? each 400-nanometres in diameter ? in a flat two-dimensional structure.

Jan 24th, 2006

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A single molecule working as the nano scale version of the steam engine

A single molecule working as the nano scale version of the steam engine: that is the molecular motor developed by a group of UT scientists led by prof. Julius Vancso of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. Natural motor molecules, capable of converting chemical energy into movement, have been the source of inspiration for this new synthetic version: a polymer molecule that stretches and shrinks caused by redox reactions.

Jan 23rd, 2006

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Toward a quantum computer, one dot at a time

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have developed a way to create semiconductor islands smaller than 10 nanometers in scale, known as quantum dots. The islands, made from germanium and placed on the surface of silicon with two-nanometer precision, are capable of confining single electrons.

Jan 19th, 2006

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Superheated nanotubes gain strength as they stretch, researchers find

A single-walled carbon nanotube heated to more than 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit became nearly 280 percent stronger than it was in its original form, and its diameter shrunk by 15 times. The discovery has implications in strengthening ceramic and other nanocomposites at high temperatures and is useful in tuning electronics.

Jan 19th, 2006

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