Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

DNA nanotechnology center opens in Denmark

The University of Aarhus celebrated the opening of its new Centre for DNA Nanotechnology last week as a giant leap into the future of fighting disease using the building blocks of the human body.

Aug 25th, 2007

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Nanotubes enable new approach to cancer radiotherapy

In an important step toward realizing the potential of radionuclide-loaded nanoparticles as radiotherapeutic agents, scientists have demonstrated that ultrashort carbon nanotubes will permanently entrap the potent alpha particle emitting element astatine-211, which has a half-life of 7.2 hours.

Aug 22nd, 2007

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Targeting quantum dots to deliver SiRNA therapy

Take a quantum dot, add a coating of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), and attach a homing peptide and a piece of small interfering RNA (siRNA), and the result is a targeted nanoparticle that can stop the production of a specific protein by a targeted cell.

Aug 22nd, 2007

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Watching an object go quantum

Build a pendulum small enough, and it will violate Newton's classical laws of mechanics, following quantum rules instead. Some researchers hope to observe such violations by cooling a tiny wobbling object to very low temperatures.

Aug 22nd, 2007

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Using DNA to control nanoparticle assembly

Using DNA, the molecule that carries life's genetic instructions, researchers are studying how to control both the speed of nanoparticle assembly and the structure of its resulting nanoclusters.

Aug 22nd, 2007

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