Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Intelligent extruder plans its own growth

A bench top extruder developed at Bradford University is able to collect data about its own operation and to determine a wide range of characteristics of the material with which it is working.

Sep 12th, 2007

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Role of nanotechnology in brand protection

There is an article over at the Converting Magazine that says that despite its high cost, new nanoscale developments can provide covert authentication and track-and-trace features for consumer packaged goods.

Sep 12th, 2007

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What's for dinner? Nanotechnology, of course.

Over at the IndustryWeek website, Scott E. Rickert, the CEO of Nanofilm, has written an article on nanotechnology in the food industry ("Taking the NanoPulse -- What's for dinner? Nanotechnology, of course").

Sep 12th, 2007

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AP story on IBM's nanoparticle printing technique

Nanowerk readers have read our Spotlight "Gutenberg's grandchildren in nanotechnology labs" about IBM's nanoparticle printing technique with single-particle resolution already last week. Now the Associated Press is catching up, too, and runs the following news story today.

Sep 10th, 2007

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