Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Corrosion symposium

Top scientists and researchers in the fields of materials science and corrosion are turning to nanoscience/nanotechnology in a continuous effort to be more clear and precise in explaining natural phenomena at the macromolecular level.

Aug 30th, 2007

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There's gold In them thar exhausts

A new technique for growing nanoparticles which could have extraordinary implications in electronics, medicine, the measurement of atmospheric air and the cleansing of car exhausts.

Aug 30th, 2007

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EPA, industry score low on toxics test

In news that is not boding well for the future of nanomaterial safety testing, Environmental Science & Technology today reports that the chemical industry fails to deliver on its promise to identify chemical hazards.

Aug 29th, 2007

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YouTube for scientists launched

A website being dubbed the YouTube for scientists has been launched, raising new hopes of bringing science closer to the people. The initiative has three high-profile backers: the Public Library of Science; the US' National Science Foundation and the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Aug 29th, 2007

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Molecules line up to make the tiniest of wires

An innovative technique for producing very small, conductive nano-wires on silicon chips. The technique can produce wires that are 5,000 times longer than they are wide and meet the need for connecting ever-smaller electronic components.

Aug 28th, 2007

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DNA nanotechnology center opens in Denmark

The University of Aarhus celebrated the opening of its new Centre for DNA Nanotechnology last week as a giant leap into the future of fighting disease using the building blocks of the human body.

Aug 25th, 2007

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