Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Stopping atoms

A new paper demonstrates how a group of physicists have found a way to slow down, stop and explore a much wider range of atoms than ever before.

Oct 3rd, 2007

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3rd annual nanoday @ Penn

On October 24, 2007 the Nano/Bio Interface Center of the University of Pennsylvania sponsors a day of education and outreach programs for the Penn community as well as regional high schools and neighbors.

Oct 3rd, 2007

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Nanotechnology: not just for geeks

Say "nanotechnology," and geeks imagine iPhones, laptops and flash drives. But more than 60 percent of the 580 products in a newly updated inventory of nanotechnology consumer products are such "un-geeky" items as tennis racquets, clothing, and health products.

Oct 2nd, 2007

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A German-Israeli symposium on nanomedicine

Internationally recognized experts will present recent achievements in molecular diagnostics based on nanotechnological tools. These principles will open the door to personal diagnosis and therapy but also to bio-electronic circuitry.

Oct 1st, 2007

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'Silent sputnik' threatens U.S. competitive leadership

On the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, former Harvard Business School professor John Kao describes the U.S. as fat and complacent, and gives the nation a failing report card on how it stacks up in innovation capacity compared to other countries.

Oct 1st, 2007

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