Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Toyota's nanotechnology RoboCar of 2057

The LA Auto Show, which will take place from November 16-25, 2007 in Los Angeles, CA, will include a Design Challenge a part of the Design Los Angeles automobile designers' conference. The topic this year is RoboCar of 2057.

Oct 12th, 2007

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Nanomedicine - copying Nature to solve problems

Some 3500 visitors attended the NanoEurope event in St.Gallen in mid-September to familiarize themselves with promising future applications of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine was one of the focal subjects discussed at the NanoEurope 2007.

Oct 12th, 2007

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The magic of science photo competition

In 2008 the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) will celebrate its 200th anniversary. To mark this special occasion the KNAW will organise a number of scientific and festive events on the theme 'the magic of science', including a photography competition.

Oct 12th, 2007

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Nanoparticle exposures happen, says expert

Expert disputes the claim that the so-called agglomeration of engineered nanomaterials will result in super-sized clusters so large that they cannot penetrate deep inside the body, thereby eliminating the potential for harm.

Oct 11th, 2007

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