Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Survey identifies nanotechnology skills gaps

Training in research management and toxicology, interdisciplinary Masters level programmes and hands-on training experience are some of the recommendations from the Institute of Nanotechnology following a survey identifying the skills gaps and training needs in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Sep 24th, 2007

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Federal nanotechnology grant made to Law School team

The Center for the Study of Law, Science, and Technology has been awarded a multi-year federal grant to develop models for the international regulation of nanotechnology, a growing science with big implications for health, safety, quality of life and environmental concerns.

Sep 21st, 2007

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Yoga guru appropriates nanotechnology

Here is our Slow News Friday story. We thought we'd heard it all but now a yoga guru has appropriated nanotechnology in a talk at Assocham's B2B in Biotechnology and Nanotechnology summit in India this week.

Sep 21st, 2007

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National nanotechnology network will link business, research, government sectors

The Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, its partner centers, and the National Science Foundation announce the launch of the National Nanomanufacturing Network, a community-driven open access network that facilitates collaboration and disseminates information among the nanomanufacturing research, education and development community.

Sep 21st, 2007

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Physicists discover novel quantum effect

In a discovery of potentially burning interest to computer and chip manufacturers, physicists at Wuerzburg University have demonstrated a previous unknown quantum effect - and this could be a big step forward in the development of new, cool computer technologies.

Sep 21st, 2007

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Imaging quantum entanglement

An international team including scientists from the London Centre for Nanotechnology today publishes findings in PNAS demonstrating the dramatic effects of quantum mechanics in a simple magnet.

Sep 21st, 2007

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