Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanowires hold promise for more affordable solar cells

The Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University, Cleanfield Energy and the Ontario Centres of Excellence have formed a partnership to pursue the commercialization of nanowire technology in the production of solar cells. The particular type of nanowire technology developed at McMaster is able to trap more sunlight and convert it to electricity more efficiently than traditional solar cells.

Jan 25th, 2008

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Small changes, big impacts

Molecular-scale rearrangements influence how receptors transmit their message, adding another layer of complexity to the regulation of cell signaling.

Jan 25th, 2008

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George Whitesides ponders new ideas in chemistry and the origin of life

Innovative researcher and distinguished professor George M. Whitesides will speak on revolutionary ideas in chemistry about the origin of life. His talk, 'Questions about Questions about the Origin of Life'" is the annual Ferguson Science Lecture at 11 a.m. on Wed., Feb. 6 in Graham Chapel as part of the Assembly Series at the University of Washington in St. Louis.

Jan 24th, 2008

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AAMI/ FDA Conference to examine tubing misconnections, emerging technologies

Final plans are taking shape for the 18th annual Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)/FDA International Conference on Medical Device Standards and Regulation (ISC), which will include sessions on medical device connectors and misconnections; the role of standards in the global medical device supply chains; and emerging standards issues in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Jan 24th, 2008

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Teams face off at NASA's Ames in Future City Competition

The bright and fertile minds of middle school students across the country have cultivated their visions of what future cities must look like in order to support humankind's growing infrastructure needs. Soon they will put their concepts to the test by participating in the 16th annual National Engineers Week Future City Competition.

Jan 24th, 2008

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Biggest research prize in Denmark awarded to professor in nanotechnology

Professor Anja Boisen of Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark on the 23rd of January received The Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research. The grant amounting to 2.5 million Danish Kroners is donated to Anja Boisen for her groundbreaking efforts in the field of nanotechnology, especially fabrication and characterising of nanoprobes for a range of practical and scientific applications.

Jan 24th, 2008

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EUR100 million nanotechnology center opens in Ireland

The Naughton Institute, a EUR100 million state-of-the-art new science facility at Trinity College Dublin which will house Ireland's first purpose-built nanoscience research institute, the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) and the world�??s first Science Gallery was officially opened on January 23.

Jan 24th, 2008

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Nowhere to hide - new ultra-powerful microscope probes atomic world

A unique electron microscope, the first of its kind in the world, was unveiled yesterday at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory in Warrington in the UK. It will enable scientists to study atoms within materials in a way that has never before been possible and will pave the way for pioneering research relating to every aspect of our lives, from research into liver disease, to the creation of the mobile phones and computers of the future.

Jan 24th, 2008

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Coming to a city near you in 2108: Algae towers and nanotubes

In 100 years, San Francisco will have robotic buses and subways, buildings will generate their own power through the sun and wind, and an underground network of carbon nanotubes will store and provide hydrogen power. These were some of the ideas submitted by eight competitors as part of the 'City of the Future' contest.

Jan 24th, 2008

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From zero to hero: the renaissance of nanotechnology

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has published its 2008 Technology Predictions. The study examines 10 emerging trends sure to have a major influence on the technology sector. The report from the DTT Technology, Media & Telecommunications industry group on how to take advantage of these emerging trends. One of the ten trends deals with nanotechnology.

Jan 24th, 2008

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Wisconsin State of the State: Doyle touts high-tech proposals

In a speech partly designed to prepare Wisconsin residents for the probability of tough economic times ahead, and partly to recommend ways to grow out of them, Gov. Jim Doyle reaffirmed some of his previously announced plans for capital formation in his annual State of the State address, and went a few steps further to simulate economic development amid fears of a national economic slowdown or a recession.

Jan 23rd, 2008

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