Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Curved carbon for electronics of the future

A new scientific discovery could have profound implications for nanoelectronic components. Researchers from the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, in collaboration with Japanese researchers, have shown how electrons on thin tubes of graphite exhibit a unique interaction between their motion and their attached magnetic field - the so-called spin.

Jan 23rd, 2011

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Quantum robins lead the way

Researchers have been investigating the mechanism which enables birds to detect the Earth's magnetic field to help them navigate over vast distances. This ability, known as magnetoreception, has been linked to chemical reactions inside birds' eyes. Now a team from Oxford University and Singapore believe that this 'compass' is making use of something called quantum coherence.

Jan 21st, 2011

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BASF und KIT entwickeln Batteriematerialien der Zukunft

Das Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT) und die BASF SE werden kuenftig gemeinsam am KIT neue Batteriematerialien entwickeln. Die Arbeit des Gemeinschaftslabors BELLA ('Batteries and Electrochemistry Laboratory') verknuepft das elektrochemische Know-how der BASF SE in der industriellen Anwendung mit den Ergebnissen der Grundlagenforschung des KIT.

Jan 21st, 2011

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Sensors to detect explosives, monitor food

Monitoring everything from explosives to tainted milk, materials for use in creating sensors for detection devices have been developed by a University of Houston (UH) chemist and his team.

Jan 21st, 2011

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Nanoworld in color

Microscopically small nanostructured arrays of lenses that can record or project amazingly sharp images in brilliant colors are being demonstrated by Fraunhofer research scientists at the nano tech 2011 trade show in Tokyo.

Jan 21st, 2011

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Twisted switches

Helical molecules that contract reversibly when oxidized pave the way to new single-molecule electrochemical switches.

Jan 21st, 2011

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