Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoparticles for odor removal

Scientists are reporting development of a new approach for dealing with offensive household and other odors - one that doesn't simply mask odors like today's room fresheners, but eliminates them at the source.

Jan 26th, 2011

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MM Live UK 2011 - Call for papers

The Micro Manufacturing Conference now in its 3rd edition, is characterised by high quality presentations from leading users of the technologies and industry commentators. For 2011, the Conference will continue on the theme of Business Critical Technologies for Micro and Precision Manufacturing.

Jan 26th, 2011

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How toxic are nanoparticles? New ISO standard helps find out

With the rapid growth of nanotechnology-based products, researchers, manufacturers, regulators and consumers are increasingly concerned with their safety and environmental impact. To help address this issue, ISO has published an International Standard to support the inhalation toxicity testing of nanoparticles.

Jan 26th, 2011

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Chancen und Risiken der Nanotechnologie: Sicherheitsforschung in Bayern

Bei der Tagung 'Chancen und Risiken der Nanotechnologie: Sicherheitsforschung in Bayern' am 13. Dezember wurden Chancen und Risiken der Nanotechnologien fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln objektiv und ausgewogen dargestellt und zwischen Referenten und Teilnehmern der Tagung zum Teil kontrovers diskutiert.

Jan 26th, 2011

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COIN to debut nanomedicine commercialization workshop

The topic of the workshop will be 'Actionable Strategies for Company Building and Moving to Market'. This workshop is an add-on to the established North Carolina Nanotechnology Commercialization Conference, which is hosted by the North Carolina Department of Commerce, in partnership with the Charlotte Research Institute, the Small Business and Technology Development Center, and COIN.

Jan 26th, 2011

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Armchair nanoribbons made into spintronic device

In a development that may revolutionize handheld electronics, flat-panel displays, touch panels, electronic ink, and solar cells, as well as drastically reduce their manufacturing costs, physicists have created a spintronic device based on 'armchair' graphene nanoribbons.

Jan 26th, 2011

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Physicists take new look at the atom

Measuring the attractive forces between atoms and surfaces with unprecedented precision, University of Arizona physicists have produced data that could refine our understanding of the structure of atoms and improve nanotechnology.

Jan 25th, 2011

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