Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers synthesize giant molecule

Producing molecules comparable with large bio-molecules in size, shape and structure is an age-old dream of organic chemists. An international research team has now succeeded in synthesising the biggest macromolecule to date.

Jan 19th, 2011

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Nanosponges harvest rare cancer marker from blood

An international research team from the United States and Italy has shown that it can use a new type of nanoparticle to selectively trap specific families of proteins from blood and protect them from degradation by enzymes in blood.

Jan 18th, 2011

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Silicon nanocrystals map location of spreading tumors

Nano-sized fluorescent particles known as quantum dots have shown promise as powerful imaging agents capable of detecting a wide range of diseases, but these nanoparticles are usually made with toxic metals such as cadmium. Now, researchers at the University of Buffalo have developed a novel synthetic method that enables them to design and create biocompatible fluorescent nanocrystals made of non-toxic silicon.

Jan 18th, 2011

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