Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology's contribution to reconstructive surgery

To rebuild damaged parts of a human body from scratch is a dream that has long fired human imagination, from Mary Shelley's Doctor Frankenstein to modern day surgeons. Now, a team of European scientists, working in the frame of the EUREKA project ModPolEUV, has made a promising contribution to reconstructive surgery thanks to an original multidisciplinary approach matching cutting-edge medicine to the latest developments in nanotechnology.

Jan 18th, 2011

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Butterfly wings behind anti-counterfeiting nanotechnology

Imagine a hole so small that air can't go through it, or a hole so small it can trap a single wavelength of light. Nanotech Security Corp., with the help of Simon Fraser University researchers, is using this type of nanotechnology to create unique anti-counterfeiting security features.

Jan 18th, 2011

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Electron gas on the surface of an insulator opens the way to multifunctional transistors

Researchers at CNRS and Universite Paris-Sud 11 have succeeded in creating a conductive layer on the surface of strontium titanate (SrTiO3), a transparent insulating material considered to be very promising for the development of future microelectronics applications. Two nanometers thick, this conductive layer is a two-dimensional metallic electron gas (2DEG) that is part of the insulating material.

Jan 17th, 2011

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Forschung: Sicherer Umgang mit Nanomaterialien

Mehr als 200 Interessierte aus Betrieben und Behoerden nahmen am Dialog-Forum 'Nanomaterialien am Arbeitsplatz' teil, das die Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) heute in Dortmund veranstaltete. Im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung standen Forschungsergebnisse und praktische Hilfestellungen der BAuA, die zum verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Nanomaterialien am Arbeitsplatz beitragen.

Jan 17th, 2011

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Controlled heating of gold nanoparticles

Tiny gold particles are good for transferring heat and could be a promising tool for creating localized heating in, for example, a living cell. In new experiments, researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have measured the temperature of nano-sized gold particles with extreme precision and have examined their ability to melt the lipid membranes surrounding cells, paving the way for dissolving sick cells.

Jan 17th, 2011

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AGS zu Nanomaterialien

Der Ausschuss fuer Gefahrstoffe (AGS) hat bei seiner Sitzung im November 2010 den vom AK Nanomaterialien des UA I des AGS erarbeiteten Sachstandsbericht zum Thema Nanomaterialien beraten und beschlossen, mit der Erarbeitung einer Bekanntmachung zur Umsetzung der Vorgaben der Gefahrstoffverordnung (GefStoffV) bei Taetigkeiten mit Nanomaterialien zu beginnen.

Jan 17th, 2011

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A first look at flight in 2025

An 18-month NASA research effort to visualize the passenger airplanes of the future has produced some ideas that at first glance may appear to be old fashioned. Instead of exotic new designs seemingly borrowed from science fiction, familiar shapes - but built with high-tech materials - dominate the pages of advanced concept studies.

Jan 16th, 2011

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'Electron vortices' have the potential to increase conventional microscopes' capabilities

Electron microscopes are among the most widely used scientific and medical tools for studying and understanding a wide range of materials, from biological tissue to miniature magnetic devices, at tiny levels of detail. Now, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have found a novel and potentially widely applicable method to expand the capabilities of conventional transmission electron microscopes (TEMs). Passing electrons through a nanometer-scale grating, the scientists imparted the resulting electron waves with so much orbital momentum that they maintained a corkscrew shape in free space.

Jan 14th, 2011

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