Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New switch could improve single-molecule electronics

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have invented a new type of electronic switch that performs electronic logic functions within a single molecule. The incorporation of such single-molecule elements could enable smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient electronics.

Dec 1st, 2011

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Wie lange leben Elektronen in Graphen?

Wissenschaftler aus dem Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf haben mit internationalen Kollegen einen wichtigen Baustein zum Verstaendnis des derzeit intensiv erforschten Materials Graphen hinzugefuegt: sie haben die Lebensdauer von Elektronen in Graphen in niedrigen Energiebereichen bestimmt.

Dec 1st, 2011

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Carbon nanotube device converts light energy to power implants

A device based on carbon nanotubes wrapped with polymer sheets can effectively convert laser light into thermal energy and subsequently to electricity. The converter is flexible and extremely compact, and can be manipulated by using a laser that functions in the wavelength range that can be transmitted through living tissue.

Dec 1st, 2011

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Researchers demonstrate earthquake friction effect at the nanoscale

Earthquakes are some of the most daunting natural disasters that scientists try to analyze. Though the earth's major fault lines are well known, there is little scientists can do to predict when an earthquake will occur or how strong it will be. And, though earthquakes involve millions of tons of rock, a team of University of Pennsylvania and Brown University researchers has helped discover an aspect of friction on the nanoscale that may lead to a better understanding of the disasters.

Nov 30th, 2011

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