Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Cobblestones on implants hoodwink innate immunity

Coating the surface of an implant such as a new hip or pacemaker with nanosized metallic particles reduces the risk of rejection, and researchers at the University of Gothenburg can now explain why: they fool the innate immune system.

Nov 29th, 2011

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Complexity of grain boundaries in ceramics: electrons reveal it all

Scientists describe how they have been able to unravel the structure of grain boundary defects in ceramics with both atomic resolution and chemical sensitivity by combining advanced electron microscopy techniques with theoretical simulations. Their findings shed new light onto these universally important defects and demonstrate that their structure can be much more complex than is often assumed.

Nov 29th, 2011

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Researchers discover new nanoscale electronic state on graphene sheets

Researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology have discovered electronic stripes, called 'charge density waves', on the surface of the graphene sheets that make up a graphitic superconductor. This is the first time these stripes have been seen on graphene, and the finding is likely to have profound implications for the exploitation of graphene.

Nov 29th, 2011

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Imperfections may improve graphene sensors

Although they found that graphene makes very good chemical sensors, researchers at Illinois have discovered an unexpected "twist" - that the sensors are better when the graphene is "worse" - more imperfections improved performance.

Nov 29th, 2011

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