Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Free report: European nanotechnology landscape

Bax + Willems, a specialized consultancy firm, has just release a free-to-download European Nanotechnology Landscape Report that offers an overview of the nanotechnology landscape in Europe targeted at policy makers on all levels (local, regional, national and European).

Nov 25th, 2011

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Graphene: the future in a pencil trace (w/video)

The European programme for research into graphene, for which the Universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Lancaster are leading the technology roadmap, today unveiled an exhibition and new videos communicating the potential for the material that could revolutionise the electronics industries.

Nov 25th, 2011

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Neues Projekt untersucht Spintronik Materialien

Mit ueber 600.000 Euro foerdert die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ein neues Forschungsprojekt an der Universitaet Regensburg zur Untersuchung von sogenannten Halbantiperowskiten ueber einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren.

Nov 25th, 2011

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Graphene foam detects explosives, emissions better than today's gas sensors

A new study from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute demonstrates how graphene foam can outperform leading commercial gas sensors in detecting potentially dangerous and explosive chemicals. The discovery opens the door for a new generation of gas sensors to be used by bomb squads, law enforcement officials, defense organizations, and in various industrial settings.

Nov 24th, 2011

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CRANN nanotechnology researchers wins 'proof of concept' grant

Professor Coleman's research investigates how to produce "nanosheets", flat sheets of materials that are just one atom thick, or about one hundred-thousandth the size of a human hair. These materials have potential in the development of thermoelectric devices and next generation batteries.

Nov 24th, 2011

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Novel methods for assembling quantum dots

Matthew Doty, assistant professor in the University of Delaware Department of Materials Science and Engineering, is co-author of two papers exploring novel methods for assembling quantum dots to control how electrons interact with light and magnetic fields for applications in next generation computing devices and solar energy capture.

Nov 23rd, 2011

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Indian organization launches nanotechnology training programs

Nano Science and Technology Consortium (NSTC), India announces the Nanotechnology Training (Certification) Programs for different fields of Science and Technology. With the availability of these kind of training programs in India, NSTC is looking forward to sensitize students, professionals and industries with requisite knowledge of Nanotechnology.

Nov 23rd, 2011

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Polish Academy Sciences joins start-up for innovative microfluidic technologies

It is only since this year that organisations belonging to the Polish Academy of Sciences may establish companies to commercialize their scientific inventions. The present legal regulations have allowed the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy Sciences in Warsaw to take up shares in Scope Fluidics, a young spin-off company developing innovative microfluidic technologies.

Nov 23rd, 2011

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