Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers reveal magnetization textures in NiPd nanostructures

An international collaboration led by the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology has used scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis (SEMPA) to acquire images of the magnetic structure inside patterned nickel-palladium (NiPd) thin film nanostructures, revealing peculiar magnetization textures that can affect the behavior of these ferromagnetic alloys in experimental applications.

Dec 7th, 2011

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Introducing graphene (video)

If you are new to graphene, the European Graphene-Flagship initiative has produced a nice short film introducing graphene, the 'wonder substance' set to revolutionize the electronics industry.

Dec 7th, 2011

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Basic nanotechnology tools - the best routes to self-assembling 3-D shapes (w/video)

Researchers at Brown and Johns Hopkins universities have found optimal configurations for creating 3-D geometric shapes - like tiny, highly simplified geodesic domes that assemble by themselves. The Brown team developed the algorithmic tools, and the Johns Hopkins team tested selected configurations. The research may lead to advances from drug-delivery containers to 3-D sensors and electronic circuits.

Dec 7th, 2011

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Elusive ultrafine indoor air contaminants yield to NIST analysis

Researchers spent 75 days on the job carrying out some very important homework - measurements in a "typical dwelling" of the release, distribution and fate of particles almost as tiny as the diameter of a single DNA molecule. Particles ranging in size from 100 nanometers down to 2.5 nanometers that were emitted by gas and electric stoves, hair dryers, power tools and candles were tracked and analyzed.

Dec 7th, 2011

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Counting atoms with glass fibre

The Vienna University of Technology is the only research facility in the world, where single atoms can be controllably coupled to the light in ultra-thin fibre glass. Specially prepared light waves interact with very small numbers of atoms, which makes it possible to build detectors that are extremely sensitive to tiny trace amounts of a substance.

Dec 7th, 2011

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