Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum tunneling results in record transistor performance

Researchers from Penn State and epitaxial wafer maker IQE have created a high performance transistor that could help solve one of the vexing problems of today's MOSFET technology - reducing the power demand whether the transistors are idle or switching.

Dec 9th, 2011

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Neutrons answer shampoo formulation puzzle

A research team at the Institut Laue-Langevin, the flagship centre for neutron science, has demonstrated quantitatively the science behind an anomaly in the surface tension of polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures. Their findings show that the dramatic increase in surface tension that affects the production of various pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations is caused by the comprehensive aggregation of active ingredients.

Dec 9th, 2011

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First Kentucky nanotechnology symposium

Bringing together micro and nanotechnology researchers within the South and Midwest regions, Western Kentucky University and the KY EPSCoR NanoNet are pleased to present the first annual Kentucky Nanotechnology Symposium which will be held March 30-31, 2012 at WKU in Bowling Green Kentucky.

Dec 9th, 2011

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Carving at the nanoscale

Researchers at the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology have successfully demonstrated a new method for producing a wide variety of complex hollow nanoparticles.

Dec 8th, 2011

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The impact of quantum matter

'Dressing' atoms with laser light allows high angular momentum scattering to be seen for the first time in long-lived atomic Bose-Einstein condensates at ultracold temperatures.

Dec 8th, 2011

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