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A revolutionary new method for discovering antibiotics

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have developed a revolutionary new method for identifying and characterizing antibiotics, an advance that could lead to the discovery of new antibiotics to treat antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Sep 18th, 2013

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Signal gradients in 3-D guide stem cell behavior

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have developed an easy and versatile way of forming physical and biochemical gradients in three dimensions -- a step toward identifying the recipes that induce stem cells to generate specific tissues, including multiple tissues, such as a bone-cartilage interface. Ultimately, one of their goals is to engineer systems to manipulate stem cells to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs.

Sep 18th, 2013

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Chemists develop switchable antibiotic

Scientists at the University of Groningen have developed an antibiotic whose activity can be controlled using light. It is possible to 'switch on' the substance immediately before use, after which it will slowly lose its activity.

Sep 16th, 2013

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Molecular structure reveals how HIV infects cells

A team of Chinese and US scientists has determined the high-resolution atomic structure of a cell-surface receptor that most strains of HIV use to get into human immune cells. The researchers also showed where maraviroc, an HIV drug, attaches to cells and blocks HIV's entry.

Sep 12th, 2013

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Marine biotechnology opens new channels to innovative bioproducts for human health

On September 12th in her inaugural address upon taking up the post of Special Professor of Marine Biotechnology at Wageningen University Prof. Dr Shirley Pomponi will present how marine animals use a broad range of fine chemicals to defend themselves against infection, overgrowing and other threats. Her effort is to identify these chemicals, to let them be produced in a sustainable way and to develop innovative bioproducts for human health.

Sep 12th, 2013

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Synthetic mRNA can induce self-repair and regeneration of the infarcted heart

A team of scientists at Karolinska Institutet and Harvard University has taken a major step towards treatment for heart attack, by instructing the injured heart in mice to heal by expressing a factor that triggers cardiovascular regeneration driven by native heart stem cells. The study, published in Nature Biotechnology, also shows that there was an effect on driving the formation of a small number of new cardiac muscle cells.

Sep 8th, 2013

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Brown algae reveal antioxidant production secrets

Brown algae contain phlorotannins, aromatic (phenolic) compounds that are unique in the plant kingdom. As natural antioxidants, phlorotannins are of great interest for the treament and prevention of cancer and inflammatory, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers have recently elucidated the key step in the production of these compounds in Ectocarpus siliculosus, a small brown alga model species.

Sep 5th, 2013

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How does nanotechnology work?