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Need different types of tissue? Just print them!

What sounds like a dream of the future has already been the subject of research for a few years: simply printing out tissue and organs. Now scientists have further refined the technology and are able to produce various tissue types.

Oct 1st, 2013

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Synthetic biologists probe biochar's impact on microbial signaling

In the first study of its kind, Rice University scientists have used synthetic biology to study how a popular soil amendment called 'biochar' can interfere with the chemical signals that some microbes use to communicate. The class of compounds studied includes those used by some plant pathogens to coordinate their attacks.

Sep 30th, 2013

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Replacing animal testing with accurate in vitro innovations

An EU-funded project has successfully established human stem cell-based in vitro tests, which are capable of replicating the development of the human central nervous system. The innovation could lead to the more accurate and efficient testing of drugs, and importantly lead to a move away from animal testing.

Sep 30th, 2013

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Scientists develop a more effective molecular modeling process

A new method to produce accurate computer models of molecules, developed by scientists on the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute, combines existing formulas in a kind of algorithmic stew to gain a better picture of molecular structural diversity that is then used to eliminate errors and improve the final model.

Sep 26th, 2013

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Study tests precision of protein 'machine'

Since its discovery, researchers have hailed Cas9 - a protein 'machine' that can be programmed by a strand of RNA to target specific DNA sequences and to precisely cut, paste, and turn on or turn off genes - as a potential key to unlocking a host of new treatments and therapies for genetic conditions, but only if they fully understand how it works.

Sep 26th, 2013

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Scientists produce induced pluripotent stem cells by removing one protein

Reprogramming adult stem cells so that they are like embryonic stem cells has the potential to change medicine; however, the reprogramming process is inefficient and impractical. Now, Dr. Yaqub Hanna has found that removing one protein changes everything, raising the efficiency of this reprogramming from one percent or less to 100 percent.

Sep 23rd, 2013

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Algae researchers partner to develop bioactive molecules

Researchers at the Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation and the ASU-led Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership have made a one-year agreement with Health Enhancement Products, Inc., which investigates and licenses algae-derived, high-value bioactive molecules that benefit human and animal health.

Sep 23rd, 2013

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How bacteria integrate autotransporters into their outer membrane

The bacterial outer envelope is densely packed with proteins that form small pores and facilitate the passage of nutrients, toxins and signaling molecules. Professors Timm Maier and Sebastian Hiller from the Biozentrum of the University of Basel now demonstrate how these transporter proteins are integrated into the outer membrane.

Sep 23rd, 2013

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How does nanotechnology work?