Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 701 - 725 of 1695

NANOSPIN is a Europeen commision projected bringing together 8 academic and industrial partners with a strong background in spintronic materials and devices, and comming from 6 Europeen member countries. The project aims at the development of novel multifunctional spintronic nanoscale devices whose mode of operation is designed to take optimum advantage of the specific magneto electric properties of ferromagnetic semiconductors.
The main objective of the NANOSTAR (Nano-Structured Ferrolectric Films for Tuneable Acoustic Resonators and Devices) project, supported by European Commission, is development of nanostructured ferroelectric films for microwave applications.
Nanostrand's overall goal is to roadmap future European standardisation activities for nanotechnology which relate to pre-normative research work in order to support European organisations to play an active role in worldwide development of nanotechnology standards.
This FP7-funded project has the objective of developing innovative solutions for the sustainable design, use, recycling, and final treatment of nanotechnology-based products.
The aim of this European research project is to investigate electrical transport in (single) elaborate molecular systems, which are interfaced to the macroscopic world by electric leads.
NEWT, an interdisciplinary, multi-institution nanosystems-engineering research center (headquartered at Rice University), is applying nanotechnology to develop transformative and off-grid water treatment systems that both protect human lives and support sustainable economic development.
In the cluster of excellence Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM), scientists from various research facilities in the Munich area in the fields of physics, biophysics, physical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, biology, electronics and medicine work together with the goal of designing, producing and controlling a series of artificial and multifunctional nanosystems.
Nanotec IT (the Italian Centre for Nanotechnology) is an autonomous branch of AIRI (Italian Association for Industrial Research) whose primary objective is to become the national focal point for nanotechnology and contribute to make more effective the activities going on in the Country in this field so that these efforts could translate into a competitive advantage for the national industry.
Nanotech NYC is a website aimed at fostering the growth and advancement of the nanotechnology and nanoscience communities in the greater New York City area. The site is populated with a host of information, including listings of researchers, companies, facilities, resources, programs and events.
The Nanotech Regulatory Document Archive is a free, searchable database of governmental documents from around the world relating to nanotechnology regulation.
(Site in German) A competence center that combines research institutions and industrial companies in the area of ultra-precision surface processing.
(In German) Im Verbraucherportal des Ministeriums für Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg finden Interessierte Informationen zu Verbraucheraspekten im Umgang mit Nanotechnologien.
The purpose of this Japanese initiative is business matching, exchange of new technical information, sharing of information between entrepreneurs, researchers and investors, interaction between researchers and engineers, proposing R&D strategies to government, supporting ventures, and planning activities relating to standardization and increasing awareness.
The NIA promotes the responsible use of nanotechnology and raises awareness of its many applications among key audiences in the UK.
The American Chemistry Council's Nanotechnology Panel is composed of companies engaged in the production, distribution, and/or use of chemicals with business interests in the products and applications of nanotechnology. The Panel is actively involved in advocating the use of information and the completion of research on nanomaterials that facilitate understanding and manage the health and environmental issues associated with nanoscale materials.
JILA is an institute for interdisciplinary research and graduate education in the physical sciences, operated jointly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and involving NIST Quantum Physics Division 848 researchers. These NIST scientists participate in a variety of nanotechnology activities, several of which are summarized here
(site in Spanish) Nanoscience and nanotechnology in the Catalonia area of Spain.
NanoTEST is a collaborative research project which is funded under the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Health 2007. The project brings together a team of lead scientists in Europe, and the overall aim is to develop alternative testing strategies and high-throughput toxicity testing protocols using in vitro and in silico methods essential for the risk assessment of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics.
An ITA (Institute of Technology Assessment) Project - Integrative Analysis of the State of Knowledge Regarding Health and Environmental Risks of Nanotechnology. The heart of the research project is to continually survey, analyse and summarise the state of knowledge regarding potential health and environmental risks of nanotechnology.
As a EU FP7 "flagship" project, NanoValid has mobilized the necessary expertise and resources to adequately respond to the growing production and use of engineered nanomaterials in a multitude of technical applications and consumer products. The project will in particular address the question, if and how these new materials will increase exposure on humans and ecosystems.
The general objective of the NanoWal network is to connect academic & industrial actors active in the nanotech field in Wallonia.
The main objective of this proposal is related to the creation of nano-electronic devices based on new materials with advanced functionalities, corresponding to the next generation of devices under research and development by the electronic industry.
The European FP7-financed Nanoyou will engage with more than 25,000 students and 4,000 young adults about nanotechnologies through programs in schools, science centres and museums around Europe, and with a much wider audience through this portal.
The research group of Prof. Yu-Chen Cheng explores the science of laser physics and nanoscience. The team is developing cutting-edge technology for next generation bio-intelligent sensors and imaging.
The center has repositioned itself to meet the new challenges in minimization and multifunctionality of micro/nanoelectronic devices. In NOVITAS, they strategize their research to tackle these challenges through three research progammes: (1) Advanced Silicon Devices and Integration Technologies, (2) Compound Semiconductor Devices and ICs and (3) Nanotechnologies.