Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


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Showing results 676 - 700 of 1695

Europe-wide dialogue on benefits, risks and social, ethical and legal implications of nanotechnologies. The project has ended in early 2007.
The NanoMan project is an EU-funded research project to develop new technologies for handling and control of single molecules and nanostructures on the sub 10nm scale. The ultimate aim of the project is to develop techniques and protocols, based on atomic force microscopy (AFM), that enable manipulation of sub 10nm structures on insulating surfaces.
Within NanoMat three research centers of the Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren, ten universities with natural and engineering science departments, one Max Planck Institute, an Institute of the Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, three Fraunhofer Institutes, an Institute of the Polish Academy of Science, the DECHEMA and four major companies coordinate their research programmes. The theme of the research is 'Synthesis and investigation of nanostructured metals and ceramics, and investigation of the materials and applications which result from their nanoscale nature.'
A French site (in French) on nanomaterials and risks, maintained by the Ecrin Association, a nonprofit organization that is the offspring of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Commissariat à l'�?nergie Atomique (CEA). The letters E.C.R.I.N. stand for 'Exchange and Collaboration Research-Industry'.
An interdisciplinary and intersectorial, FP6-funded research and training network in the emerging field of nanoscience and -technology. The project aims at the development of tailored photo- and electro-responsive organic/ inorganic hybrid systems such as photovoltaic cells, LEDs, and electro-optic modulators, by combining the advantages of organic and inorganic materials.
The Nanomed Round Table is a 'Coordination and support action' in the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Nanosciences. The Nanomed Round Table's main purpose is to provide to European stakeholders a set of recommendations to support decision making regarding nanomedical innovations.
The main objectives of the NanoMesh project are to understand the self-assembly processes leading to this highly interesting and non-trivial nanostructure, to find routes for controlling the mesh parameters and for mass production, and to demonstrate its prospects for future applications as a oxygen- and carbon-free template for the production of nanocatalysts, nanomagnets and for functionalized surfaces.
This European FP7 project aims to establish a panel of read-out systems for the prediction of the toxic potential of existing and emerging engineered nanomaterials.
The main goal of the project consists in establishing an accredited laboratory for nanometric scale morphological characterization and analyses of material surfaces. The laboratory would have the capability to provide characterization services for research and/or production of materials whose surfaces have a nanometric scale structure, ex: optical surfaces (in optical components), biocompatible metals and ceramics, materials for semiconductor industry, coating and protection films etc.
The goal of the Nanomotor Drug Delivery Center is to construct a synthetic modified motor with artificial components for use in a variety of nanodevices and nanomedical applications. The center is to create liposomes and nano-structured arrays with embedded and active modified phi29 DNA-packaging motors for both passive and active transport of DNA and drugs.
The NANOPAGE project focuses on the development of a flexible large area display made by assembly of microCRTs into a polymer canvas. Those microCRTs are millimetre size cold-emission cathode ray tubes, used as elementary color dots, 3 microCRTs, red, green and blue, making a complete pixel. Those microCRTs use nanometer scale Carbon Nanotubes as cold electron sources.
An EC financed project to examine the role of micro and nanoparticles in inducing pathologies.
The Research center NanoQAM is a grouping of five laboratories in nanotechnologies of the Université du Québec à Montréal which offer their knowledge and expertise in nanomanufacturing using polymers, development of high-energy nanomaterials, renewable energies, nanoimaging, green chemistry as well as the development of biological membranes, biomaterials and biosensors. NanoQAM allows access to its infrastructures and scientific equipment, either for industries and other academic institutions.
The objectives of the Nanorac project are to develop efficient instrumentation for measurement, analysis and manufacture at the nano-scale.
NANoREG is the first FP7 project to deliver the answers needed by regulators and legislators on EHS by linking them to a scientific evaluation of data and test methods. Based on questions and requirements supplied by regulators and legislators, NANoREG will: (i) provide answers and solutions from existing data, complemented with new knowledge, (ii) Provide a tool box of relevant instruments for risk assessment, characterisation, toxicity testing and exposure measurements of Manufactured Nano Materials, (iii) develop, for the long term, new testing strategies adapted to innovation requirements, (iv) Establish a close collaboration among authorities, industry and science leading to efficient and practically applicable risk management approaches for Manufactured Nano Materials and products containing Manufactured Nano Materials.
A European FP6 program to develop a Nanomaterial Roadmap 2015: Industrial Adaption to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises; Trends in Research and Development; and Product and Application Visions.
Many new nanotechnology research fields require a high degree of precision in both observing and manipulating materials at the atomic level. The advanced nanorobotics technology needed to manipulate materials at the nanoscale is being developed in the new Sheffield NANOLAB.
The main objective of NANOS4 - Nano-structured solid-state gas sensors with superior performance - is a breakthrough in advanced micro and nano technologies for developing innovative metal-oxide gas sensing systems.
An initiative under the EU's 6th Framework Program: The overall aim of NANOSAFE2 is to develop risk assessment and management for secure industrial production of nanoparticles.
The EU NanoSafety Cluster is a DG RTD NMP initiative to maximise the synergies between the existing FP6 and FP7 projects addressing all aspects of nanosafety including toxicology, ecotoxicology, exposure assessment, mechanisms of interaction, risk assessment and standardisation. Participation in the NanoSafety cluster is voluntary for projects that commenced prior to April 2009, and is compulsory for nano-EHS projects started since April 2009.
NISE brings researchers and informal science educators together to inform the public about nanoscience and technology.
The NanoSci-ERA Consortium is a network of public or private bodies responsible for financing or managing research programmes in nanoscience that are established in countries belonging to the European Research Area (ERA).
A Design Study for a European Research Infrastructure enabling access to nanoscience, atomic precision and fine analysis with a unified metrology.
NanoSelect aims to design, develop and optimize novel bio-based foams/filters/membranes/adsorbent materials with high and specific selectivity using nanocellulose/nanochitin and combinations thereof for decentralized industrial and domestic water treatment. NanoSelect proposes a novel water purification approach combining the physical filtration process and the adsorption process exploring the capability of the nanocellulose and/or nanochitin (with or without functionalization) to selectively adsorb, store and desorb contaminants from industrial water and drinking water while passing through a highly porous or permeable membrane.
In order to ensure that Spanish industry and R&D facilities play a key role in this field, the NanoSpain Network scheme aims to promote Spanish science and research through a multi-national networking action and to stimulate commercial Nanotechnology applications.